news stories Tagged “Youth”
Being willing partners with God
May 31, 2024 / By Tara Barnes / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez called United Methodists of Upper New York to prioritize relationships in his address to the conference Friday, May 31. “Over the past year and moving forward, we will continue prioritizing relationships over everything else, recognizing the crucial role each one of you plays in this,” said Bishop Héctor. “For the …more
Celebrating Creation with Wild Worship at Webb Mills UMC
May 21, 2024 / By Ann Wood / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
On a pleasant April 22 evening, Earth Day, the Webb Mills United Methodist Church hosted a memorable outdoor worship service beneath the shelter of a large pine tree on their church grounds. The event, dubbed “Wild Worship,” attracted members from surrounding area churches and the local community, and even captured the interest of a passerby who decided to join in. The service was led by Pastor Corey …more
Nominations and Leadership Development team seeking nominations
March 15, 2024 / By Ian Carlos Urriola, Nominations and Leadership Development Chair / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
For three days, United Methodists of Upper New York gather for a time of prayer, worship, and holy conferencing to conduct the business of our Annual Conference. And yet, the work of our connectional ministry to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places is a 365—or, when it’s a leap year like 2024, 366—day affair. …more
Reflections on 2023 Cady Grants and new applications being accepted
February 2, 2024 / By Dr. Blenda Smith, Chair of the Cady Grant Team / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Each year, Cady Grants are awarded to projects and programs that seek to be used for the “benefit or education of minority groups, preferably black or American Indians,” as directed by Ercil Cady, the originator of the Ercil Cady Grant. The committee is pleased to share an update on how the grants were used by the 2023 recipients: Church in the Wild: As this New Faith …more
Steve Alexander named new Site Director at Casowasco
January 9, 2024 / By Shelby Winchell, UNY Director of Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center’s newest site director is no stranger to Upper New York. Steve Alexander is a member of Lansing United Methodist Church and a former certified Early Response Team leader. Steve stepped into the role on Jan. 8 following an extensive search. He replaces the Rev. Dr. Pam Harris, who has served as the Acting Site Director since October 2022. Rev. Dr. Harris will remain in the …more
Three Upper NY United Methodist Churches’ help bring joy to seniors
December 20, 2023 / By Kevin Miller, Multimedia Content Creator / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The holiday season is a time of celebration, joy and family gatherings, but for many senior adults, it can also be a time of loneliness and isolation. However, Faith in Action Volunteers, a program of the Broome County Council of Churches, has been lighting up the lives of seniors for a number of years through a heartwarming initiative known as the Silver Bells program. The mission of …more
Two churches create lasting Christmas memories for children, their families, and volunteers
December 11, 2023 / By Pastor Deb Peacock, Argyle UMC
Two years ago, I took my grandson shopping so he could buy small gifts for his mom and dad for Christmas. I remember how excited he was to do this. I began to think about the children in the Argyle and West Hebron communities, as well as other small communities around us, that are struggling to provide meals for their families, let alone Christmas gifts. I immediately had an idea. …more
Virtual retreats offer space for UNY women and beyond to find space and build connections
October 26, 2023 / By Krystal Cole, Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Doing something new can be scary. But the Upper New York Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) is full of people ready and willing to try something. We weren’t sure it was even achievable to hold a retreat for women over Zoom. The mere mention of the word “Zoom” for some people can elicit an internal eye roll, or perhaps …more
Pinwheels spin cash for camp
September 15, 2023 / By Sarah Walker, Ohio UMC
The pinwheel spins when the breeze blows. The breeze is a reminder that although you cannot see the air moving, it is always present. Just like the air is always present, so is the Holy Spirit. Fundraisers are an important way to keep the Ohio United Methodist Church going. We needed funds for our children going to camp. The Sunday school and youth group wanted to do something fun, …more
YOUTH 2023—an incredible experience for Upper New York youth
August 14, 2023 / By UNY Communications
Editor’s Note: Many youth from Upper New York attended Youth 2023. Here are some commentaries from youth that attended. Youth 2023 was an event held Tuesday, July 25 through Friday, July 28, by the sandy beaches of Daytona Beach, Florida. Discipleship Ministries sponsored the event, which occurs every four years. This year’s theme was an acronym, BOLD, Being Ourselves, Living Differently. Over the course of the four days, youth and …more