Agencies of The United Methodist Church
There are more than a dozen agencies in The United Methodist Church that provide resources and services that equip local congregations and provide a connection for ministry throughout the world. These organizations (councils, boards, commissions, committees, divisions or other units) can be found at all levels of the connection (churchwide, regional and local).
Each agency is governed by a board of directors whose members, both lay and clergy, are elected by jurisdictions and central conferences. Bishops, as assigned by the council, also share oversight on these boards.
Archives & History
The General Commission on Archives and History gathers, preserves, and disseminates materials on the history of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. It maintains archives and a library in which the historical records are kept. Click here to learn more.
Church & Society
The General Board of Church and Society challenges United Methodists to work in areas of important social concern and develops resources to inform, motivate, and train United Methodists on issues of social justice in the society. Click here to learn more.
United Methodist Communications, also referred to as UMCom, shows the work United Methodists do together to transform the world and provide local churches with tools, resources and training to equip them for communications ministry. Click here to learn more.
Discipleship Ministries
Discipleship Ministries provides resources and services that assist clergy and laity leaders in Annual Conferences and local churches as they seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Click here to learn more.
Finance and Administration
The General Council on Finance and Administration ministry manages the finances and operational needs of the denomination and serves as the general treasurer of the denomination. Click here to learn more.
Global Ministries
The General Board of Global Ministries connects the church in mission. Click here to learn more.
Higher Education & Ministry
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, also referred to as GBHEM, prepares Christian leaders for ordained ministry and provides general oversight for campus ministries and institutions of higher education. Click here to learn more.
Religion and Race
The General Commission on Religion and Race works for the full and equal participation of racial and ethnic constituencies in the church through advocacy and by reviewing and monitoring the practices of the denomination. Click here to learn more.
The Status & Role of Women
The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women advocates for, and on behalf of, women by seeking to eliminate inequities and by monitoring the general agencies, institutions, and connectional structures to ensure the inclusion of women. Click here to learn more.
United Methodist Men
The General Commission on United Methodist Men, also known as UMMen, involves men in a growing relationship to Jesus Christ and his church and provides resources and support for programs of evangelism, stewardship and the needs of men. Click here to learn more.
The United Methodist Publishing House
The United Methodist Publishing House is a publisher and distributor to Christian clergy and laity, with primary responsibilities for the publishing and distribution for The United Methodist Church. Click here to learn more.
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith, formerly known as United Methodist Women, is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. Click here to learn more.
Wespath (Pension and Health Benefits)
Wespath, formerly known as the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, supervises and administers the pension and benefits programs, plans and funds of The United Methodist Church. It administers and disburses the retirement and benefit funds of the various Annual Conferences. Click here to learn more.