Media Resource Center
The Media Resource Center is only accepting monetary donations at this time and is not accepting books, DVDs, or any other materials due to limited space.
The Media Resource Center is a free lending library funded by designated donations and run by a dedicated volunteer group.
There are a multitude of DVD studies, curriculum, and support materials for your use! Resources are available to help with small group studies, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, church-wide studies, and special events.
Orders can only be requested by using the online catalog. If you have questions or require a consultation, please email If you need to reach someone by phone, please include the date and time of your call at (315) 898-2027. Please allow for a timely response as the Resource Center is staffed on a part-time basis.
Order your resources today!
7481 Henry Clay Blvd., Liverpool, NY 13088
Conference office hours (8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.) for returns, browsing, and self-check out.
Staff assistance is limited and available by appointment only.
Contact Information:
Phone: (315) 898-2027