Volunteers-in-Mission (VIM)
Volunteers-in-Mission (VIM) is one way United Methodists offer their skills and talents for Christian Service at home or abroad on short-term assignments in areas affected by disasters and hardships. A missionary movement of the United Methodist Church, VIM sends short term volunteer teams into areas of need to work on construction and spiritual formation projects.
The Love and Serve mission guide helps churches deepen their faith by providing opportunities to serve in various ministries including disaster response and Camp and Retreat ministries in New York and around the world. Start discussion with your congregation about where God might be calling them to serve in 2025 with this downloadable PDF guide.
Click here to download.
Important Links
Register Your Team
Obtain Mission Insurance Through UMVIM
List of Domestic and International Mission Sites
List of Youth Projects
For additional information, contact Kristina Clark at (315) 898-2066 or kristinaclark@unyumc.org.