Retired Clergy Directory
Retired clergy of the Upper New York Conference are listed alphabetically by last name below. Simply click on the first letter of the last name of the clergy person you are looking for then click on their name to find contact information and more. If you know the name and spelling of the person you are looking for, feel free to use the “Search” function in the upper right hand corner.
- Aaron, Iola
- Acker, Suellen
- Adriance, Carter
- Agnew, Peter
- Akers, Douglas
- Albrecht, Frederick
- Albrecht, Joseph
- Alderman, Judy
- Allen, Robert
- Allport-Cohoon, Heather
- Ames, Carol
- Anderson, Bob
- Anderson, Frank
- Anderson, Richard
- Anderson, Ted
- Araujo, Nancy
- Armitage, Dewey
- Auslander, Joseph
- Austin, Dale
- Austin, Jon
- Ayers, Ross
B Back to the top
- Babcock, Kenneth
- Babcock, Naomi
- Baez, Wilfredo
- Bailey, James
- Baird, Larry
- Baissa, Marilyn
- Baker, Jane
- Barden, Bruce
- Barden, Kathleen
- Barnes, Jim
- Barrett, Sylvia Kevlin
- Barton, Dick
- Bassett, Everett
- Bastian, Juanita
- Batcher, Marvin
- Bates, Bonita
- Baumback, Alan
- Baums, Roosevelt
- Beane, Earl
- Beard, Robert
- Beardslee, Melanie
- Beman, Larry
- Bement, Betty
- Benham, Beth
- Benjamin, Keith
- Bennett, Daryl
- Bennett, Ed
- Bensley, Jane
- Benton, Katharine
- Bergner, David
- Black, Allen
- Blair, Robin
- Bleck-Doran, Theodore
- Boston, Robert
- Bouton, Dave
- Bowen, Denise
- Bowen, James
- Bowman, Leland
- Brand, James
- Breunig, Mike
- Brewer, Barbara
- Brewster, James
- Brewster, John
- Briggs-Harris, Calvin
- Brittain, John
- Brocklehurst, JoAnne
- Brooks, Kandace
- Brown, Cheryl
- Brown, Hoyt
- Brown, Patricia
- Bruen, Harold
- Bryson, Joyce
- Buckey, Donald
- Buddle, Duane
- Burke, Richard
- Burlew, Betty
- Bush, Patricia
- Butler, Stephen
- Butler, Wayne
- Buyea, Sally
C Back to the top
- Cahill, Frank
- Caldwell, Richard
- Calos, Laura
- Campbell, Richard
- Campbell, Sandy
- Capron, Richard
- Carey, Pamela
- Carlsen, Frederick
- Carnie, David
- Carr, Daniel
- Carrillo, Rene
- Carroll, Dana
- Carroll, James
- Carter, Roy
- Carver, Sherwood
- Chamberlain, Carl
- Chaney, Melba
- Chapman, Bruce
- Chase, Duane
- Chatelle, Laura
- Chatterton, Richard
- Chesney, John
- Childs, Jeffrey
- Christian, Dean
- Claypool, Inell
- Clemow, Linda
- Clemow, Tom
- Cleveland, Julius
- Cliver, Clifford
- Closs, Bob
- Cole, Anne
- Cole, Judith
- Coller, Harold
- Coltrain, Carol
- Comer, Michael
- Conners, Gail
- Connor, Martha
- Cooke, John
- Cook, Gary
- Cook, Tracy
- Cornell, Virginia
- Corretore, Daniel
- Coty, Holly
- Covell, Warren
- Crawford, Jeffrey
- Crawson-Brizzolara, Susan
- Crispell, Gregory
- Cross, Virginia
D Back to the top
- Damsteegt, Gordon
- Danielson, Olav
- Daughen, Winnie
- Davenport, Beverly
- Davis, Susan
- DeAngelis, Barbara
- Dearstyne, Eleanor
- Deckard, Stephen
- Dedloff, John
- DeFelice, Robert
- Delamater, Alan
- Delia, William
- Demers, Richard
- Deming, Eileen
- DeMocker, Janice
- Dempsey, David
- Denny, Jacob
- Derk, Dave
- Derk, David
- Dewey, Keith
- Deyo, Ginny
- Dibelius, Nancy
- Dickinson, Allan
- Dill, Carol
- Dillon, Christopher
- Diluzio, Diane
- Dolch, Bud
- Dolch, Rebecca
- Doupe, Gary
- Drake, Mary
- Drayer, Leslie
- Drown, Maurice
- Dufford Jr., Paul
- Dunn, Joan
- Durham, David
E Back to the top
- Eastham, Jane
- Eastlack, Larry
- Easttey, Thomas
- Eddy, Gail
- Eddy, Steven
- Edmister, Jean
- Emerson, Richard
- English, Glynn
- Erway, Mark
F Back to the top
- Falsetti, Gail
- Fargo, Mona
- Farmer, Robert
- Farrington, Penni
- Fassett, Thom
- Fellows, Barbara
- Fellows, Norma
- Finch, Daniel
- Finke, Carol
- Fischer, Martha
- Flandreau, Mark
- Flemming, Dean
- Fletcher, James
- Flohr, LeRoy
- Fortuna-Blake Meade, Gladys
- Foster, Allyn
- Foster, Marilyn
- Foster, Myrna
- Foster, Timothy
- Fox, Cathy
- Fralick, Ronald
- Franke, Bob
- Franklin, Gregory
- Freeman, Paul
- French, Craig
- Fribance, Elizabeth
- Frueh, Henry
- Fryer, Dale
- Fulton, John
G Back to the top
- Gallandorm, George
- Garman, Hal
- Gazzilli, Mario
- Geer, Dave
- Getz, Carl
- Gisotti, Denise
- Gladwell, Penny
- Gleason, Janet
- Gleason, Timothy
- Golando, Molly
- Golibersuch, Matt
- Goodell, John
- Gould, Brian
- Grant, Richard
- Green, Barbara
- Green, James
- Grimm, Charles
- Grinnell, Karen
- Grish, Kevin
- Griswold, Keith
- Grossman, William
- Guariniello, Louis
- Guiles, Don
- Guy, Mary
H Back to the top
- Hackett, Edward
- Hadley, Helen
- Hadley, Susan
- Haier, Joanne
- Hakes, Gary
- Hale, Jeffrey
- Haley, Patrick
- Hall, Orrin
- Hall, Russell
- Hamlin, Deborah
- Hamm, Christopher
- Handy, David
- Hankey, Jim
- Hansen, Roy
- Hanson, Natalie
- Harding, Olu
- Harris, Linda
- Harrison, Mark
- Harris, Pam
- Hart, Penelope
- Harvey, Mark
- Haven, Patricia
- Haverkamp, Keith
- Hayes, Charles
- Hayes, Pam
- Haynes, Charles
- Hays, David
- Hazard, Bruce
- Hazlett, F Ray
- Heise, David
- Heiss, Stephen
- Heitzenrater, W Drew
- Heleine, Fred
- Hemstreet, Fran
- Herrmann, David
- Hess, Douglas
- Hester, Thomas
- Hicks, Ann
- Higgins, Kent
- Hill, Dean
- Hill, John
- Hodgins, Kenneth
- Hoff, Donald
- Hoffman, Ronald
- Holzhauer, Phyllis
- Homan, Brian
- Homer, Wenona
- Horner, David
- Horrell, Dana
- Hotchkiss, David
- Howe, Alan
- Howell, Thanna
- Hoyle, Ruthellen
- Hubbard, Jan
- Hudson, Bryant
- Humphrey-Fox, Judith
- Hundemann, Robert
- Hunt, Brad
- Hunter, Edgar
- Hurd, Dick
- Hurd, Robert
- Hussey, Sandra
- Hutchins, Peg
I Back to the top
J Back to the top
- Jackson, John
- Jackson, Steve
- Jagger, Alan
- James, Janet
- James, Richard
- Jeffers, Robert
- Jenks, Wesley
- Jerzak, Nora
- Johnsen, Richard
- Johnson, Al
- Johnson, Carl
- Johnson, Hugh
- Jones, Alan
- Jones, Robert
- Jones, Thomas
- Jordan, Augustus
- Jordan, Laurel
- Joyce, Kandice
- Jubenville, Carol
- Judd, Geri
- Judson, Gary
K Back to the top
- Kahng, Raymond
- Kanuck, Robert
- Kark, William
- Kauffman, Gerald
- Keiper, Allen
- Keller, Carol
- Kelley, Arleon
- Kelly, Peter
- Kelsey, Fred
- Kempton, Richard
- Kerr-Carpenter, Kathy
- Kessler, Charles
- Kibbe, George
- Kibbe, Thana
- Kim, Hyun Joon
- Kim, Moon Ho
- Kimpland, Diane
- Kim, Sung
- Kim, Tae Kun
- King, Horace
- King, Marsha
- Kingsbury, Rose
- Kinnell, Christopher
- Kinney, Alan
- Kirk Jr, James
- Kissel, Jack
- Klopfer McCune, Cindy Beth
- Knapp, Gordon
- Knopf, Peggy
- Knopp, Douglas
- Kober, Jeri
- Kofahl, David
- Kottemann, Beth
- Kouterick, Rhonda
- Kraft, Jackie Ann Rose
- Kraft, Tom
L Back to the top
- Lake, Larry
- Laker, Campbell
- Landon, James
- Lange, Raymond
- Langreck, Donald
- LaRoe, David
- Larson, David
- Lasher, William
- Laskowski, John
- Laumeier, Beckie
- Lavery, James
- Lee-Clark, Bruce
- Lee, Sung Ho
- Leet, Joyru
- LeGro, James
- Lenz, Richard
- Lesch, James
- LeValley, Bonnie
- LeValley, Peter
- Lewis, Bob
- Lewis, Gail
- Lindsay, Robert
- Ling, Daniel
- Lintern, Evelyn
- Lintern, J Edwin
- Linza, Raymond
- Lippy, Charles
- Loan, Frank
- Lockwood, David
- Lockwood, Lynn
- Long, Robert
- Losey, Jeffrey
- Lowenthal, Joy
- Lowenthal, Robert
- Lowman, DeeAnne
- Lucas, Robert
- Luce, Marian
- Lum, Allen
- Lundgren, Larry
M Back to the top
- Maddox, Steve
- Maker, Kathleen
- Mann, Keith
- Marafioti, Jessie
- Marino, Mark
- Marino, Ralph
- Marshall, Karen
- Marsi, Janice
- Martin, Mary
- Masland, Dave
- Matthews, Jeffrey
- Matthews, Robert
- Mauser, Sunny
- Maxwell, James
- Mayo, Alvin
- McBride, Daniel
- McCarey, Maggie
- McCarthy, Robert
- McCaughey, Dick
- McCauley, Lionel
- McCombe, Kathleen
- McCracken, George
- McDonald, Bruce
- McGaughey, Douglas
- McKibben, Florence
- McNeill, John
- McPheeters, Chilton
- Meade, David
- Merriman, Kate
- Metivier, F Victor
- Miller, Duane
- Miller, Ida
- Miller, Roy
- Miner, Art
- Minnigh, Wendell
- Mitchell, Gil
- Mitchell, Stuart
- Modisher, Donald
- Mohler, Hal
- Montgomery, Tom
- Moore-Colgan, Marion
- Moore-Krackhardt, Shirley
- Morey, Betty
- Morris, Dolen
- Morris, Ewart
- Mort, Wayne
- Mosher, Barbara
- Mourice, Camillus
- Mowry, Elizabeth
- Moyer, Dean
N Back to the top
- Neal, Rich
- Nelson, Winifred
- Newell, Brooke
- Newkirk, David
- Nicholls, David
- Nicholls, Grant
- Noell, Ray
- Nolen, Bonnie
- Norrix, B.J.
- Nuessle, John
- Nye, Holly
O Back to the top
- Oakes, Elliott
- O'Connor, Anne
- O'Connor-Slater, Deborah
- Olmstead, Pat
- Olson, Mary
- O'Neil, Beth
- O'Neill, Terrence
- Ostrander, Wayne
- Ott, Betsy
- Oyer, Bob
P Back to the top
- Palmer, Bill
- Palm, Janice
- Parry, Rebecca
- Parsons, Mark
- Pattison, G William
- Paufler, Denis
- Peacock, Debra
- Pearsall, Gordon
- Pegg, William
- Pennock, Robert
- Perl, Sandi
- Peters, Robert
- Petrie, Dorothy
- Phelps, David
- Phelps, Timothy
- Phillippe, John
- Phillips, Adrienne
- Pierce, Mark
- Pierce, Virginia
- Piper, Gerald
- Pitkin, L Paul
- Pollard, Jim
- Pollock, Wilbur
- Potter, Edwin
- Prentice, Diane
- Preston, Nancy
- Price, Sheila
- Priset, Duane
- Pritts, Deborah
- Proper, Roberta
- Puckey, William
- Pullen, Nancy
- Puthuparampil, John Joseph
R Back to the top
- Rapino, Geraldine
- Rauscher, Richard
- Reams, John
- Reeder, William
- Reese, Kathy
- Rehkugler, Nancy
- Reichman, Ronald
- Rhodehamel, Gary
- Rhodehamel, Wendy
- Rhodes, Jacqueline
- Richardson, Mary
- Richards, Roger
- Ricker, Richard
- Rivera, Hector
- Roberts, Jay
- Robinson, Ann
- Robinson, Ellen
- Robinson, Martha
- Robinson, Paul
- Rockwell, Dave
- Rodriguez, Mariana
- Rogers, Sandra
- Rotach, Brian
- Rothwell, Vincent
- Rowell, Jan
- Rowe, Robert
- Rowland, Paul
- Rowley, Paul
- Rudd, Charles
- Rugh, Emerson
- Russell, William
- Ruth, Jacque
- Ryan, Roland
S Back to the top
- Salisbury, Catherine
- Samuel, Sundar
- Sautter, Jane
- Savage, John
- Schafer, Tom
- Schalk, Don
- Scharf, Brian
- Schlansker, David
- Schneeberger, Dale
- Scholl, Natalie
- Schompert, Ronald
- Schweitzer, Dorothea
- Scott, Judith
- Scott, Margaret
- Scoville, Stan
- Sears, Richard
- Seifert, Connie
- Sellepack, Joe
- Sellers, Ronald
- Shafer, Susan
- Shaw, Benjamin H
- Shepard, Carl
- Sherburne, Robert
- Shevlin, Linda
- Shippey, Harold
- Showers, Merle
- Shumway, Thurston
- Siebold, E Allen
- Sigourney, Stephen
- Simmons, David
- Sivers, Richard
- Slighter, Verne
- Sloth, Eileen
- Smith, Burton
- Smith, Carlos
- Smith, David
- Smith, Earl
- Smith, Huston
- Smith, Jeffrey
- Smith, Jonathan
- Smith, Kim
- Smith, Lawrence
- Smith, Russell
- Soto, Arturo
- Spence, Lynn
- Spencer, Douglas
- Spraker, Gary
- Sprenger, James
- Stafford, H Nelson
- Stanley, Nancy
- Stees, Ray
- Steinert, Babette
- Stengel, Cathy
- Stevens, Garrie
- Stevens, James
- Stevens, Marilyn
- Stewart, Elizabeth
- Stratton, Jeffrey
- Stratton, Kip
- Strickland, Holly
- Stringer, Denise
- Stubba, William
- Swanger, Shiela
- Swanson, Lauren
- Swords-Horrell, Martha
T Back to the top
- Tanner, Stan
- Taylor, Thomas
- Tessey, Westley
- Thayer, Carol
- Thevanesan, Theva
- Thistle, Judy
- Thorick, Philip
- Timlin, Genett
- Tongue, Wrightson
- Townley, Nancy
- Turk, Donald
- Turner, Lauren
- Tuttle, Joellyn
- Twiddy, Herbert
- Tyson, John
U Back to the top
V Back to the top
- Vahey, Milton
- Valentine, Valarie
- Vallet, William
- Van Arnam, George
- Vanderminden, Meredith
- VanDewark, Warren
- VanDussen, Dean Gregory
- Van Dussen, Greg
- VanWie, Leon
- Veaudry, Edward
- Verity, William
- Vosburgh, Margaret
- Vredenburg, Vonnie
W Back to the top
- Wait, Kenneth
- Waldron, Deborah
- Waldron, Roger
- Walker, Diane
- Wallace, Joseph
- Walters, Susan
- Walter, William
- Walz, Patricia
- Ward, Becky
- Ward, Jerome
- Watson, Duane
- Watters, Merry
- Weaver, Donald
- Weaver, Franklin
- Webb, Freddie
- Webster, Bruce
- Welkley, Richard
- Wendt, Ruth
- Wenner, Eilene Susan
- Wenzinger, Cynthia
- Wenzinger, Ronald
- Werley, John
- West, Wayne
- Wetherwax, John
- Wheeler, Don
- Whited, Edward
- White, Elaine
- Whitefield, William
- Whitehead, Clifford
- White, Sarah
- White, Wiley
- White-Wunder, Judy
- Wickard, Gary
- Wickert, Marcia
- Wickett, Mary Anne
- Wiggers, Stephen
- Wiggins, James
- Wiliford, Larry
- Williams, James
- Williams, Lee
- Willis, Michael
- Wilson, Douglas
- Wilson, Gail
- Wilson, Gwen
- Wilson, Jeannetta
- Wiltse, Donald
- Wolfe, Marilyn
- Wolfe, Tom
- Wollaber, Debra
- Wollaber, Robert
- Womack, Paul
- Woodcock, Joyce
- Wood, Kenneth
- Wood, Marilyn
- Woodring, Evelyn