news article
Cady Grant applications now available
January 24, 2023 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Application forms are now available for the Upper New York Conference Ercil Cady Grant. Cady Grants are awarded annually to a fund ministry, program or experience that benefits or provides education to, preferably but not exclusively, African Americans and/or Native Americans. Awards may be up to $5,000. Cady Grants are available to individual United Methodists, local churches, and District or Conference ministry teams within Upper New York. Priority shall be given to educational proposals that benefit minority groups or individuals. Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2023. Click here to complete an application.
Submitted proposals should demonstrate the ministry, program, or experience is faith based and the program will benefit a person/group in need. Proposals should also include: an assessment of the gifts – spiritual, financial and organizational – of the individuals or team that will carry out the proposal, an itemized expense report, and an evaluation process to monitor progress. Priority shall be given to new grants rather than reapplications, and ones that are sustainable in the future if applicable. Grants will not finance salaries or new tech systems for churches.
Last year, some of the following exciting grants were awarded:
- A grant to broadcast worship, prayer, and Bible study in Spanish via Facebook and YouTube. Followers are now worldwide and new individuals are participating to help with the ministry.
- A youth excursion to Washington, D.C. via train to visit National Memorials, the UMC’s General Board of Church and Society; also a stop in NYC to visit the United Nations.
- An inner city Learning Center for youth up to 5th grade.
- Community Breakfast Program
- Coat Closet
- Personals Closet