News Stories from August 2023
Bike Ministry on a roll at Sarah Jane Johnson UMC
August 28, 2023 / By Rev. Carolyn Stow, pastor at Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church
"Rosalynne riding her new bike yesterday! Already riding by herself!!! Thank you all so much!! You've made our kiddo supper happy and proud of herself," wrote one mom whose daughter received a new bicycle during a recent family bike giveaway at Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church in Johnson City. That was the text message with a short video waiting for me after church. The 36-second …more
It’s a good, good season
August 21, 2023 / By Daniel J. Bradley, Pastor at Faith Journey UMC
“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness”. Psalm 34:8-9 (The Message Translation) There is much to be said for living in Central New York. It is the only place I am sure that we …more
Finding Your Space Women’s Retreat
August 17, 2023 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Need a break and want to catch your breath? The Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) is here to help with a two-night virtual retreat Sept. 29-30 for any female lay or clergy person. Join Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi as the keynote speaker and the Rev. Corey Turnpenny, along with Jenna Amberge, Nairobi Smith, and the Rev. Theresa Eggleston for an inspirational event via …more
Developing Developers brings people across The Connection to UNY
August 16, 2023 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
From Sunday, Aug. 13 to Tuesday, Aug. 15, an extraordinary event unfolded primarily at the United Methodist Center in Liverpool, NY. United Methodists of Upper New York had the distinct honor of hosting the 2023 Developing Developers event—an annual affair orchestrated by Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church’s Path 1 team. Path 1 is a team of leaders drawn from global, national, regional, and local levels of The United Methodist …more
IRS Employee Retention Credit
August 15, 2023 / By Rev. Susan Ranous, Certified Public Accountant / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
If you haven’t already started the process of applying for an Employee Retention Credit (ERC), you need to do so now. You may have received telephone calls, letters, or emails from people/companies that are promising they can help you apply for these credits and you can receive “$28,000 per employee.” While that could be true, the amount most churches would be entitled to is most likely …more
YOUTH 2023—an incredible experience for Upper New York youth
August 14, 2023 / By UNY Communications
Editor’s Note: Many youth from Upper New York attended Youth 2023. Here are some commentaries from youth that attended. Youth 2023 was an event held Tuesday, July 25 through Friday, July 28, by the sandy beaches of Daytona Beach, Florida. Discipleship Ministries sponsored the event, which occurs every four years. This year’s theme was an acronym, BOLD, Being Ourselves, Living Differently. Over the course of the four days, youth and …more
IGNITE conference for youth and young adults
August 4, 2023 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The IGNITE conference is just around the corner. IGNITE is an opportunity for youth and young adults to ignite hearts, spark connections, and fuel the passion for Christ among the next generation of leaders. The event is from Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 at the Wildwoods Convention Center in Wildwood, NJ. Click here to register, view the schedule, learn about the artists and speakers, get lodging information, and …more
Bishop Héctor and District Superintendents provide guidance for charge conferences
August 1, 2023 / By UNY Communications
Editor’s Note: On Monday, July 31, Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Héctor A. Burgos Núñez sent a letter to clergy across Upper New York (UNY) about charge conference details and deadlines. The same day, UNY District Superintendents(DSes) sent a note that reiterated the charge conference deadlines and explained why not every clergy will be selected for one-on-one conversations with their DS. The …more