News Stories from November 2022
Bishop Webb’s farewell gathering
November 30, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Dozens of people across the Conference attended the Nov. 19 gathering to bid farewell to Upper New York (UNY) Area Resident Bishop, Mark J. Webb, and his wife, Jodi. Bishop Webb’s official retirement date is Dec. 31, 2022. Folks across the Conference were able to connect for a time of fellowship before and after a one-hour formal farewell. The Rev. Dr. Bill Allen, Chair of the UNY Episcopacy Committee MCed the …more
Asbury First of Rochester’s new Community Outreach Center
November 30, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Food distribution, community meals, medical services, haircuts, laundry, and clothing. These are ministries that Asbury First United Methodist Church has offered to the Rochester community for decades. Now, these services and more will be offered more frequently and will be housed under one roof, at the newly renovated and expanded Community Outreach Center, across the street from the church at 1010 East Avenue. The Community Outreach Center Dedication service On Sunday …more
Updated New York State short-term disability forms
November 29, 2022 / By Tracy Rickett, Human Resources Generalist
New York State recently updated the short-term disability claim forms. There are now two separate disability claim forms that need to be completed and submitted together to Guardian within 30 days of the start date of disability. Form #1 – Employee and Health Care Provider form Form #2 – Employer Form There are several options to submit the completed disability claim forms to Guardian. Mail to: Guardian State Disability Claims P.O. …more
UNY local churches support the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota
November 16, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The Rev. Penny Brink, currently serving South Glenn Falls UMC, created a personal mission in 2014, to help support residents of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the second poorest nation in the Northern Hemisphere, second to Haiti. Rev. Brink said, “The mission started as a required trip for my ordination journey and has continued since 2014. I wrote an article published in the Lakota Times in 2015. What is …more
Rev. Nicholas suggests steps to address systemic racism
November 14, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
“Not well at all.” This was the answer that the Rev. George Nicholas, pastor at Lincoln Memorial Church, gave when asked how his congregation is healing six months after the May 14, 2022, racially motivated shooting that took place at the Tops supermarket less than one mile away from the church. Rev. Nicholas explained, “In this congregation, we have some Tops employees and people who were there at the …more
Northeastern Jurisdiction elects only one bishop and assigns seven
November 8, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Editor's Note: On Nov. 16, 2022, the Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops and Committee on the Episcopacy announced retired Bishop Peggy A. Johnson will serve as Interim Bishop for the New England Annual Conference beginning Jan. 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2024. Click here to read more. There were two bishop elections on the docket for the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference that took place Nov. 2-4, 2022, in College Park, MD. On Nov. 2, the Rev. …more
Revised Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Poster
November 8, 2022 / By Tracy Rickett, Human Resources Generalist
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued a revised version of its poster, entitled “Know Your Rights”. A copy of the revised poster can be located here. The law requires an employer to post a notice describing the Federal laws prohibiting job discrimination based on race, color, sex (including pregnancy and related conditions, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, religion, age (40 and older), equal pay, …more
NEJ delegates share pain and witness on the sin of racism
November 8, 2022 / By Erik Alsgaard, Baltimore-Washington Conference
The Thursday (Nov. 3, 2022) afternoon plenary session of the NEJ dug deep into sharing the pain, anger, and sin of racism. For about two hours, delegates shared their thoughts and feelings in response not only to the “Call to Action” report given earlier that day, but also to the Episcopal Address given Wednesday by Bishop John Schol of the Greater New Jersey Area. Lay delegates from the New England …more
From the Desk of Bishop Webb: Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference
November 7, 2022 / By Bishop Mark J. Webb
The following note was sent to the Upper New Conference on Nov. 7, 2022 on behalf of Bishop Webb. Dear Friends in Christ, Last week, Jurisdictional Conferences gathered throughout the United States to engage in holy conferencing and to complete the important work of discerning and electing bishops of The United Methodist Church. The Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, of which Upper New York is a part, met in College Park, Maryland Nov. …more
UNY delegates meet their new bishop, Hector Burgos
November 4, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
“I was almost asleep, but I was so excited;” this was the Rev. Hector Burgos’ response when he found out, after 2 a.m., on Friday Nov. 4, 2022, at the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, that he was assigned as bishop to the Upper New York (UNY) Conference and would be starting Jan. 1, 2023. Rev. Burgos was just elected as bishop of the Northeastern Jurisdiction on the third ballot during the afternoon …more