news stories Tagged “Annual Conference 2021”
2021 Leadership Report: Working toward a vital future in UNY
June 17, 2021 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
What is it going to take to increase the capacity of Christ-following leaders in Upper New York (UNY)? This question was answered in the 2021 Leadership Report. The Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, Upper New York (UNY) Director of Connectional Ministries and Executive Assistant to the Bishop, introduced the 2021 Leadership Report by acknowledging the leadership that pastors and lay leaders throughout the Conference accomplished in likely the most difficult year that any of …more
Clergy compensation recommendations supported at Annual Conference
June 17, 2021 / By Tara Barnes
The Upper New York Conference Commission on Equitable Compensation exists to help struggling local churches regain sound financial footing to build leadership, make disciples, and transform the world. Chair Paula Kuempel presented the commission’s 2021 report to the 12th annual meeting of the Upper New York Conference on June 17, bringing five recommendations for approval. The commission is responsible for recommending each year the minimum compensation levels for clergy and …more
Lay Members Gather for First Virtual Laity Session to Celebrate Upper New York Lay Ministries
June 17, 2021 / By Tara Barnes
Lay members to the 12th gathering of the Upper New York Annual Conference attended the Conference laity session, held virtually, on June 17, 2021. The time focused on sharing and celebrating the work of laity in the Conference. After a greeting from Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Mark J. Webb, Conference Lay Leader Drew Griffin welcomed laity and offered an overview for the session, the first time it’s been …more
2021 Annual Conference Opening Worship-Now is the time to courageously share the gospel
June 17, 2021 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
The 2021 Upper New York Annual Conference, held virtually, began with an Opening Worship service on June 17. Through songs, storytelling, reflections, and a message from Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Mark J. Webb, the truth that the world needs God during these hard times was proclaimed. And the message that now is an opportunity to give people Jesus was established. The theme for the past quadrennium has been “Together …more
What’s unique about this year’s Annual Conference?
June 9, 2021 / By The Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, Assistant to the Bishop and UNY Director of Connectional Ministries
As is true at every Annual Conference, members will be asked to elect a variety of leaders to new terms of office at this year’s Annual Conference, held virtually, June 17-19. This year, though, there are several unique situations of which we wanted you to be aware. The first deals with the election of equalization members. To comply with our Conference rules, the first action of the Conference …more