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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Planning for church year-end statistics

    November 28, 2023 / By Autumn Wells, Administrative and Accounting Services Specialist / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." (Proverbs 16:3) 

    As we inch closer to the end of the calendar year, the start of annual church statistic season draws nearer. The ACStats platform will open for local churches to begin adding their data starting on Jan. 2, 2024. Information must be submitted by end of day on Feb. 15. 

    We had an excellent first year using ACStats in place of Ezra. We had some questions and minor bumps, but overall, it went well and church treasurers and pastors did a great job adjusting to the change in platforms. 

    Please know that your District and Conference staff are ready to help you with any questions completing these reports. I can be reached at (315) 898-2004 or at to answer any immediate questions. Click here to find your District contact information. 

    For this upcoming statistics reporting season, we will begin with a clean slate. It's important to note that you will need to create new usernames and passwords. The login process will not change and will remain the same as last year, but there’ll be a new default password.

    Please note that you cannot use the same email address twice for two different churches and/or users. This can be solved by adding additional digits, like your GCFA number, at the end of your email address for the second church. Here is the default church login information:  

               Username:      <your 6-digit GCFA Number> 

               Password:        ACStats2023!  

    Check your email inbox (spam and junk too) for the login information coming later in December from Conference or District staff. The email will end with the domain

    Some updates for this year include more integration from the old database into the newer ACStats platform. Correcting “error” and “warning” notifications will be more streamlined prior to submission. If you get one of these messages, the new platform will clearly indicate where the problem is that needs to be fixed. You will no longer have to hunt for errors. Lastly, there is a question for members who were received by closed and disaffiliated churches.  

    If you have any questions about which lines you should be inputting your data, never hesitate to ask for clarification. Contact your local District Superintendency Assistant or me at the Conference Office by email at or by calling (315) 898-2004. 

    Below are some tips for frequently asked questions.

    TIP:    Line 52d is monies transferred in for Operational Expenses only.  

    If you transferred money from an endowment, memorial, restricted fund, or other non-operating fund to the operating account to pay for operating expenses, then the amount of that transfer should be recorded on line 52d. If you moved money from a capital fund into your general checking to pay a capital improvement cost (such as new boiler) that amount should NOT be added to line 52d. Only transfers for operating expenses should be recorded on this line. 

    TIP: Line 2e is members received from other open UMC churches. The new line 2g is members received from other closed and disaffiliated UMC churches. 

    TIP: Line 25 should be equivalent to all of your cash and investments accounts added together. This would include restricted and unrestricted accounts. This total should also equal the total of all cash and investments on your year-end audit. 

    Remember, the “warning” notifications are there to help you. If something is way off, you will want to know about it right away! Keep an eye out for updates and changes on our statistics webpage here.  

    Bob Flask, Conference Treasurer, will also be sending important information about these reports to church treasurers. 

    It is suggested you begin gathering the information needed with your team. Print a blank report or copy last year’s to familiarize yourself with the information needed. Please remember to gauge your time accordingly as there will be no extension this year. This year we will return to the normal window for statistics entry of Feb. 15. 

    The strength of the churches depends on making plans, setting goals, and charting outcomes. Your ministry is dependent on the strategic planning that comes from analyzing the data from these statistical reports. Let it be excellent and accurate.  

    TAGGED / Finance

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."