news article
Important dates for 2022
January 19, 2022 / By UNY Communications
Every January, we announce important dates for the year. As the COVID pandemic makes it difficult to know how the future will unfold, the dates related to Annual Conference are tentative and updates will be announced should there by any changes.
- Feb. 28: Final date to update statistics in Ezra system
- March 1: Deadline for submission of petitions and resolutions (from individuals, churches and unofficial bodies of UNY) as well as deadline for reports and action items from Conference teams
- Mid-Late March: Budget and explanation becomes available
- Late March: Annual Conference registration opens
- Late April: Vol. I of the Journal is available
- The Upper New York (UNY) 2022 Annual Conference will be held virtually, Oct. 6-8. The theme will be It is Well – Keeping Hope Alive. We acknowledge all that we have faced in the last two years, and through it all, we are well, and God’s hope is alive.
Keep following all UNY Conference communication platforms as needed links and updates become available.