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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news stories Tagged “Annual Conference 2016”

    Saturday morning worship gets crowd to ‘Do Something’

    June 6, 2016 / By Kathleen Rubino / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Booming music, dancing youth parading down the center of Exhibit Hall A, and a mock Annual Conference session marked the morning worship led by young people June 4 at the 2016 Annual Conference session. J.J. Warren served as “bishop” with his panel, Ian Urriola, Riley O’Flynn, and Emily Allen. “We, the young adults of the Upper New York Conference, seek to bring to life the reality …more

    Annual Conference 2016 concludes with the Service of Commissioning and Ordination

    June 4, 2016 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    The 2016 Upper New York Annual Conference session ended on June 4, with the Service of Commissioning and Ordination. "God is not calling us to be professional Christians," said Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb. "God is calling us to be people who are radical in our pursuit of God and because of that pursuit, God will use us to radically change the world in the name of Jesus." …more

    Budget Brief

    June 4, 2016 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    The Conference budget discussion spread across three plenaries: Friday’s afternoon plenary, an added Friday evening plenary, and Saturday’s morning plenary. Following Friday’s shortened dinner break, there was discussion about how the Conference budget reflects our priorities. Two amendments were proposed that would shift funding to ministry areas that saw budget cuts with the proposed budget and spending plan. Both amendments were not supported. Discussion …more

    Petition and resolution results from AC16

    June 4, 2016 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Discussion and voting for the petitions and resolutions brought to the 2016 Annual Conference session began in the afternoon plenary on June 2 and continued in the morning plenary on June 4. Here are the results of each resolution. UNYAC2016.1 – Local Church Right to Choose Insurance Provider, withdrawn This resolution called for each local church within the Upper New York Conference to be given the opportunity to seek and contract with its …more

    Rev. Hamilton wraps up Study Sessions at AC16

    June 4, 2016 / By Kathleen Rubino

    Why do people need Jesus Christ? Why do people need the Church? Why do people need our particular church? According to the Rev. Adam Hamilton, founding pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kan., these are three important questions pastors and congregations must ask themselves. Rev. Hamilton’s final Study Session at the 2016 Annual Conference session included tips for churches on how to prepare for …more

    Annual Conference daily update videos, daily notes now available

    June 4, 2016 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Each day during the 2016 Upper New York Annual Conference session, the UNY Communications Ministry Area produced daily update videos that recapped the previous day’s highlights in a fun and exciting way. The videos were played at the beginning of the morning sessions June 3 and 4. The videos can be viewed below. June 3 video: 2016 Annual Conference Session Thursday Recap from Upper New York Conference on Vimeo. June 4 video: 2016 Annual …more

    Celebration of Ministry observed as a gala this year

    June 4, 2016 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Day two of the 2016 Annual Conference ended with an electrifying Celebration of Ministry Gala, which mirrored the Academy Awards. This celebration included gold BobbleWebbs, musical transitions between recognitions, and envelopes with the names of those recognized. Cornerstone District Superintendent the Rev. Sherri Rood and Adirondack District Superintendent the Rev. Bill Mudge hosted the Gala. An ongoing debate between the co-hosts about the appropriate attire for the gala added humor to …more

    CBOPHB presents three recommendations

    June 4, 2016 / By Kathleen Rubino

    The Rev. Stephen Deckard, the chair of the Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits (CBOPHB), and Vicki Putney, Conference Director of Human Resources and Benefits, presented the CBOPHB Report. Rev. Deckard and Putney started by thanking members of the board and the Benefits and Administrative Services Ministry Area, with a special thanks to Linda Houmiel, Conference Clergy Care Assistant, who will retire this year. Rev. Deckard then presented the …more

    Five recommendations from CEC report supported

    June 3, 2016 / By Kathleen Rubino

    The Rev. Loren Swanson, chair of the Commission on Equitable Compensation (CEC), presented the CEC Report on June 3. He said among the commission’s responsibilities are to insure that a healthy balance exists between clergy and level of support and to help churches in financial difficulty come to sustainable solutions. Rev. Swanson presented five recommendations on behalf of the commission. The first recommendation called for a raise to the …more

    Rev. Hamilton discusses effective worship and preaching

    June 3, 2016 / By Kathleen Rubino

    After wrapping up some points from the first session, Rev. Adam Hamilton, founding pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kan., dove into the topic of the second Study Session: effective worship and preaching. He began with examples of what he and his congregation do: having people pray during the week over the seats in the sanctuary for those who will sit in them, praying at …more

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."