Pastor Jack Laskowski: Haitian Pikliz
January 24, 2017 / By Pastor Jack Laskowski, Spencerport and Adams Basin UMC's
I attended two Volunteers-in-Mission trips to Haiti in 2004 and 2006. We worked in the little town of Hermitage, helping to build a church and a school. It was a beautiful village on the coast. The faithfulness and hospitality of the Haitian people was both humbling and inspiring.
On the trips, I was introduced to Haitian Pikliz, which is a staple in just about every household. Since then, I can't get enough of it!
Enjoy the recipe, but be forewarned that it can be a bit spicy!
Haitian Pikliz
2 ½ cups cabbage slice thin
1 cup julienned carrots
½ cup thinly sliced shallots
6 hot peppers quartered
3 sprigs of thyme
8 whole cloves
1 tsp kosher salt
3 cups white vinegar
3 tbs fresh lime juice
Mix together to dissolve salt and chill for three days, shaking twice a day.