Perspectives from January 2020
Meet the DLTs: Testimonials from Albany District Lay Leadership Development Team
January 21, 2020 / By Albany District Lay Leadership Development Team members
Editor’s Note: The Albany District Leadership Team has made a conscious effort to increase the leadership skills of their laity through developing a laity leadership curriculum. Below are testimonials of some of the participants. “The United Methodist Church is facing difficult challenges of an uncertain future. The vitality of the local church is imperative to sustain the impact of a possible separation. This lay leadership development …more
Meet the DLTs: Albany DLT acts to create more lay leaders
January 14, 2020 / By District Superintendent Rev. Rich Weihing and Albany District Lay Leader Ellen Mall-John
As a DLT, we decided to focus a majority of our time and energy on creating a series of gatherings we call Laity Leadership Development (LLD). In 2018, as clergy received training in principles of Vital Congregations, we launched Year 1 of Laity Leadership Development Sessions equipping laity with leadership training with the expectation of helping move toward a critical mass in each congregation that would be able and willing to enact …more
Meet the DLTs: Albany District
January 8, 2020 / By District Superintendent Rev. Rich Weihing and Albany District Lay Leader Ellen Mall-John
Our purpose as a District Leadership Team is to equip the congregations of Albany District to live their mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” We are rooted in this mission statement, and our vision statement, too! When we have fully-equipped clergy, laity, and congregations in Albany District for their mission, we expect to experience the vision of Upper NY Conference: …more