Meet the DLTs: Testimonials from Albany District Lay Leadership Development Team
January 21, 2020 / By Albany District Lay Leadership Development Team members
Editor’s Note: The Albany District Leadership Team has made a conscious effort to increase the leadership skills of their laity through developing a laity leadership curriculum. Below are testimonials of some of the participants.
“The United Methodist Church is facing difficult challenges of an uncertain future. The vitality of the local church is imperative to sustain the impact of a possible separation. This lay leadership development course offers the local church tools and ideas to help take a deeper look at why our congregations participate in the work of God. It provides opportunities to investigate how we can continue to serve by increasing the focus of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." It's important to me, because my call to Lay Leadership is important, this UMC is important, and God's work is the most important. (Rachel Giso, First UMC, East Greenbush)
“LLD has been a timely program for us as we begin ministry with a new pastor, after 16 years with our now retired pastor. The program provides resources, structure and valuable input from leaders of other local churches in our district as we plan for, and pray for, strengthening our ability to minister to our community and make disciples for Jesus Christ.” (Cheryl Mugno, Salem UMC, West Sand Lake)
“Lay Leadership Development for me is to enhance my awareness of my brothers and sisters’ feelings so that I unintentionally do no one harm. If I do no one harm, that which remains is only good that I can do. I have joined our men's communion breakfast group to engage myself in both church and community Christian outreach” (Gary Blauvelt, Church of the Covenant, Averill Park)
LLD is very important to me, it helps me to become a better and improved Certified Lay Speaker. You get a different perspective of other Churches and the people who attend these churches. It is one thing to take classes but sitting down with other people and having food and discussions gives you a different point of view. It helps me become a better disciple. We are in the process of getting together with our congregation and having small group discussions in the near future.” (David Wadd, Burnt Hills UMC)
“Since we all come from different walks of life, this LLD work is important in a sense that I am learning about myself and others’ traits, spiritual gifts and personalities. This will help me to be open minded, listen and learn about others and guide them accordingly to their own spiritual path.” (Noel John, Local Pastor, First UMC Voorheesville team)
“The lay leadership development course recognizes something that is essential to effective Methodism and Christianity. Both have had their greatest growth through the prayers, study and actions of the church looking and reaching outward. Our class has grown thorough prayer and study of authors renowned for their analysis of effective and dysfunctional organizations. We share our successes for Christ with one another and improve to become better disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Rita Pickett, Calvary UMC, Latham)