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From the desk of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez: True Fasting During Lent
February 20, 2024 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Editor's Note: The following email was sent to United Methodists of Upper New York on behalf of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez on Tuesday, Feb. 20.
"…this is the kind of fast I choose...” Isaiah 58:5a
Dear United Methodists of Upper New York,
Lent is a time for followers of Christ to engage in self-examination, repentance, and deepening our relationship with God.
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, encouraged practices such as fasting and prayer during Lent. Wesley saw these disciplines not as mere rituals but as means to cultivate a closer connection with God. For Wesley, these disciplines, when practiced faithfully, lead us to live more aligned with the teachings and witness of Jesus.
As the Bible clarifies through the prophets Isaiah and Micah, practicing spiritual disciplines should extend beyond a set time and include genuine and permanent changes in attitudes and behaviors in our daily lives.
The world is in desperate need of the healing love of God. This great love is made visible through passionate disciples of Jesus Christ who embody love, compassion, mercy, and justice every day and everywhere.
This Lent, I encourage all United Methodists in Upper New York to
- be open to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit,
- practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting,
- reflect on areas in our lives where our expression of faith needs to transcend from “good intentions” to concrete actions that embody God’s love,
- and pray to God to make our hearts tender to one another.
In a world filled with violence, let’s be peacemakers.
In a world filled with hate, let’s be healers.
In a world filled with divisions, let’s be unifiers.
In a world filled with exclusion, let’s be includers.
In a world filled with selfishness, let’s be community builders.
In a world filled with hopelessness, let’s be and proclaim Christ's hope.
This Lent, and always, remember that God desires sincere actions driven by love and responsible social engagement rather than mere ritualist observance.
If you haven’t yet, join me in UNY’s year-long prayer pilgrimage “Together in Prayer.” You can learn more about it and sign up here.
Together, let’s be God’s acting presence in the world.
In Christ,
Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez
The United Methodist Church
Serving United Methodist of Upper New York