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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    From the desk of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez: Pre-General Conference

    April 9, 2024 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Editor’s Note: The following transcript and video were shared with United Methodists of Upper New York on behalf of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez on Monday, April 9, 2024. In this message, Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez discusses the significance of the upcoming 2024 General Conference, scheduled for April 23-May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina. 

    Dear United Methodists of Upper New York, 

    Grace and peace from the Risen Christ be with you. 

    The General Conference of The United Methodist Church, our church’s top legislative body, will meet from April 23 to May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clergy and lay delegates from our worldwide United Methodist connection will gather for worship and Christian Conferencing, consider legislation on various missional subjects, and organize the life of our denomination for the next four years. 

    A lot has happened since the last General Conference in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, over seven million lives were lost, and the organizers of the General Conference had to postpone the gathering from 2020 until now. The pandemic has also changed how the church carries out its ministry and has made longstanding missional challenges for our local churches and the denomination more severe and urgent. We also went through a difficult period where some congregations disaffiliated based on their views and attitudes towards ministry with and by LGBTQ individuals. 

    The General Conference ahead is of utmost importance as it will shape the future of The United Methodist Church. Therefore, I call all United Methodists in Upper New York to unite our hearts in prayer in preparation for and during the General Conference. 

    Let’s pray together for 

    • The organizing team as they make final preparations to receive delegates in Charlotte. 
    • Traveling mercies and holistic health for all General Conference participants. 
    • Christ’s love to rule throughout the General Conference so all persons are seen, valued, and honored as beloved children of God. 
    • Bishops as they preside and provide a pastoral presence to delegates and the church. 
    • Holy Spirit-led vision, creativity, wisdom, and humility that allows delegates to prioritize the mission and common good over individual agendas. 
    • Clarity about the next faithful steps we will take together as United Methodists. 
    • The courage to move forward, trusting God’s continued guidance and abundant provision. 

    Today, I encourage us to remain strong in our faith and hope in Christ. 

    No matter what happens at the General Conference, we will remain deeply committed to our shared mission, values, articles of faith, doctrine, polity, and connection as United Methodists. 

    Our purpose will remain the same as United Methodists in Upper New York the day after the General Conference. We will continue nurturing passionate disciples of Jesus Christ who share faith, love, hope, mercy, and justice daily and everywhere. 

    Our vision will remain the same the day after the General Conference. We will continue seeking to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and embody God’s love with our neighbors everywhere. 

    No matter what is decided at the General Conference, United Methodists of Upper New York will continue honoring our rich theological diversity, embracing conservatives, centrists, and progressives. We will remain focused on loving God, loving one another, loving our neighbors, and encouraging others to thrive in life and ministry. 

    We will continue promoting a Christ-centered vision of missional unity that transcends our disagreements. We will continue resourcing our leaders and congregations to thrive in the mission field. 

    The prophet Jeremiah (29:11), speaking from God to the Israelites during tough times, wrote: “I know (meaning God), the plans I have for you…plans to give you hope and a future.”  

    I embrace God’s promise for our lives, for our congregations, our communities, our conference, our nation, and the world. No matter what happens at the General Conference- we are moving forward together, embracing God’s future with hope and joy. 

    On behalf of the cabinet, I thank you for who you are and for the countless ways you are making the love of Christ visible in your communities as you share the good news through words and concrete acts of mercy, compassion, and justice. 

    May the love of God protect our hearts. The grace of Christ strengthen our faith, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit continue to lead us forward. Peace of God be with you. 


    In Christ, 

    Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez
    The United Methodist Church
    Serving United Methodists of Upper New York

    TAGGED / Communications / Episcopal Office / Bishop Burgos / General Conference 2024 / Districts

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."