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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

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    Commentary: Peace with Justice resources

    February 12, 2024 / By Rev. Gary Doupe, Task Force on Peace with Justice in Palestine-Israel / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    The Rev. Gary Doupe is a member of the Upper New York Task Force for Peace with Justice in Palestine-Israel. He wrote the following article to inform pastors and members of Upper New York congregations about materials recently placed on our task force web site, hoping to encourage and facilitate local church discussion programs on the crucial issues relating to peace in the Holy Land.   

    Images of war, death, and social disruption in Israel and Gaza flood the media every day. To many, it is dumbfounding. The process of violence is familiar and self-defeating, as we all know too well. The roots of this process are not, in fact, ancient or inevitable—as some glibly assume. Complex and interwoven movements including late 19th century Zionism, antisemitism, and settler colonialism produced a conflict over land, now regarded as the mother of two peoples. Can Solomonic wisdom discern the proper mother? Or, in this instance, can the prize be shared? 

    Your Upper New York Task Force on Peace with Justice in Palestine-Israel has been seeking wisdom on this matter for a long time—since well before our young Conference was born. A trip to the Holy Land, three decades ago, set this task force in motion. The intensity and complexity of the struggle seems daunting. But our faith tradition recalls Jesus both crying over Jerusalem (“Would that they knew the things that make for peace!”) and his encouraging benediction (“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you!”). 

    Peace is possible. When some of us worked to heal the apartheid struggle in South Africa, long ago, we never expected to see the day of transformation. Oftentimes, change seems impossible. But as greater awareness dawns, so also new possibilities. In a land that is holy to people of three faith traditions, you may be part of a healing solution! Today’s “unbelievable” gives way to tomorrow’s miracle of restoration. 

    How can this be? Only because love is stronger than iron. We are not discussing sentimentality, but the strength of respect cultivated for all our sisters and brothers. We are one human family. When we come to believe that, conviction creates the new reality. 

    On our task force website you will find a number of “pages” listed across the top of the introductory page. On the second line, mid-page, you’ll see “Resources for Churches.” Clicking there you’ll find not only printed comments, but some excellent video connections. If you and a few other youth and/or adults want to gain a real grasp of what has transpired in the Holy Land during the past 75 years, and witness what compassion, understanding, and wisdom can do, have a look at these two items in particular: 

    A film (feature length, almost two hours in length) called, The Law and the Prophets. Present laws separate people from land and from each other. Current prophets challenge those laws, seeking alternatives to an ever-present tension—which easily becomes violent. A time bar under the video will allow you to select brief sections for sharing with groups and return easily to a pre-selected portion. 

    Steadfast Hope is another excellent video. Chapter One (about ten minutes) introduces two families (one Jewish, one Palestinian) each seeing the same house with warm family ties of memory. Chapter Two depicts the “big picture” (about 17 minutes) of how two peoples struggle to exist in a divided land, where power is not shared equally. 

    On the same website page there is much, much more, including other excellent videos and book titles. 

    If you look at the other “pages” you will be amazed at the quantity and quality of information and perspectives. Immediately after the “Resources for Churches” page is one titled, “Letters to the U.S. President.” The first letter is new, written by a Palestinian Christian theologian, The Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, who offers his thoughtful vision to President Joe Biden of what might be attempted now and in the days to come, in the wake of recent violence. 

    At the left side of the page you’ll find a list of the task force leadership team and contact information.  We will be happy to respond to your requests to help create local church programs and discussions, and to find leaders or speakers. 

    This may be a pivotal moment for our loving, prayerful, creative response to one of the world’s most debilitating crises. Please remember that a crisis is also an opportunity, a time to change direction and restore hope. May all who weep now be blessed, one day soon, to weep in joy. 

    More information may be obtained from the Task Force Leadership Team:    
    Rev. Merle Showers:  
    Linda Bergh:  
    Rev. Gary Doupe:  
    Karen Peterson: (607) 739-3141 

    TAGGED / Peace with Justice / Taskforce for Palestine Israel

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."