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Celebrating 200 years of Ministry at Penn Yan United Methodist Church
April 23, 2024 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Penn Yan United Methodist Church celebrated its 200th anniversary recently. The birthday bash began on Saturday, April 20 with a concert featuring the musical ensembles of the church: praise band, sanctuary choir, bell choir, organ solos, and trumpet duets. The anniversary festivities continued with a dessert reception, fellowship, and history displays after the concert.
A unified celebration worship service was held on the following day. Sunday’s worship theme was “Love Grows Here” as the congregation looked back at the last 200 years of ministry. “Two hundred years. Think about what was happening two hundred years ago. Penn Yan was only one year old when this church was formed,” mentioned Penn Yan’s pastor, the Rev. Kristen Allen in an opening statement. Rev. Allen then went on to share a video message from Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Héctor A. Burgos Núñez. In the video, Bishop Héctor thanked the congregation for their many years of witness, mission, and ministry. “As you remember your past, as you celebrate your present, and as you look into the future, I pray that you continue making this fellowship your spiritual home and that you extravagantly continue inviting and welcoming your neighbors so that all can experience the healing love of Christ in their lives.”
The anniversary worship service featured special guests including former pastors, including the Rev. Wayne Butler and his wife Molly Butler, the Rev. Bradford Hunt, the Rev. Jeff Childs and his wife the Rev. Dr. Robin Blair, and former Associate Pastor Adrienne Russell. Also in attendance were Dorothy Williams, wife of the former pastor the late Rev. Gordon Williams, Pastor Tom Wunder and his wife Anne Wunder who were former members of this church before Tom became a pastor, and District Superintendent the Rev. Dr. Sherri Rood and her husband Dr. Bob Rood.
Penn Yan UMC’s church historian, Jan Hafner, shared 200 years of history in two minutes. “We have had our home in three different church buildings, the one we’re in is the third one, survived a major split before the Civil War over the issue of slavery...we’ve had 56 different pastors.” Hafner goes on to thank and praise God for “keeping us strong for 200 years.”
The congregation then celebrated a first in Penn Yan UMC’s 200 years: the very first Deaconess from the congregation. Connie Glover will be consecrated as a Deaconess at the 2024 General Conference Session. Not only is she the first woman, but she is also the first woman of color to be a Deaconess from Penn Yan UMC. Rev. Allen explained the ministry of Deaconesses and Home Missioners and offered a special prayer of blessing over Connie. “They answer the call to make Jesus Christ known by obeying his command to alleviate suffering, irradicate causes of injustice and all that robs life of dignity and worth, facilitate the development of full human potential. Anyone who knows Connie knows that her life exemplifies this call.”
The anniversary celebration continued with Rev. Dr. Sherri Rood as she preached the sermon “Rooted and Grounded” on theme of Penn Yan UMC’s celebration weekend, Ephesians 3:17 - “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”
The celebration concluded with the closing song “And All the People Said Amen” which the Sunday School children learned the sign language for and signed to it as the congregation sang.
After worship, there was a reception with appetizers and history displays followed by a celebration dinner in the church’s fellowship hall, with speeches from the former pastors and spouses.