Together: Multicultural Ministries
A healthy multicultural ministry includes people of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds who worship God together as one, recognize and renew relationships, and advocate and advance justice and compassionate work in the community.
Are you involved with a healthy multicultural ministry or know of one near you? We want to hear all about it. Click here to tell us about the ministry and what makes it flourish.
Embodying multiethnic communication
- Being a “healthy” multicultural ministry requires more than just diverse membership rolls. Churches communicate cross-culturally most effectively when their internal ministries and leadership reflect the people they seek to reach. Learn how communicating diversity can be vital to the well-being of your ministry.
Movies and books for intercultural learning
- Are you looking to learn about other cultures and increase your intercultural competence? Check out this list of movies and books, compiled by the General Commision on Religion and Race, that will help you do just that.
Ten honorable ways to learn about another culture
- We live in a time where we can easily be exposed to a world of different people with different customs, values, food traditions, language, and more. Because of technology and ease of travel, we also have more and more opportunities to recognize these differences as “normal and natural” to others. So how can we learn about other cultures in honorable ways? Here are ten ways to begin.
Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Ministry Toolkit
- The work of cross-racial/cross-cultural (CRCC) ministry can be complex and oftentimes requires additional care and support. The General Commission on Religion and Race offers a variety of different resources to empower, prepare, and equip Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural (CRCC) ministry leaders. Use this toolkit to as a resource for forming a healthy, sustainable CRCC ministry.