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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    resources / Together Resources

    Together: Back to Church Resources

    End of summer means back to school, and in many cases, back to church. Many people and families are looking to get back into or begin a new routine. Reconnecting with a nearby church or starting fresh somewhere new aren't out of the ordinary, but people tend to gravitate where they feel welcomed and part of a community. United Methodists of Upper New York are already doing some great things to make others feel welcome. Click here to tell us what works for you so we can inspire others. 

    How to be more welcoming

    • It may not be often that someone new walks through your church doors. In order to attract new visitors, you need to find ways to be more welcoming. Some ideas include practicing ministry with your community to create relationships and connections, learn to be a guest, and don’t be overly aggressive. Creating pockets of hospitality over time can help grow your church and make others feel more welcome. 

    Making time for church

    • We all need a break from time to time. Sometimes, we also need time away from church. The Rev. Lydia Sohn from the California Pacific Conference shares her story of how she stepped away from ministry to focus on her role as mom and caregiver, and how, after so many weeks away, she felt the itch to head back to church.


    Blessing of the backpacks and devices

    • Part of fall programming at local churches, often includes the blessing of backpacks and the school year. In this age of technology, Discipleship Ministries suggests you may also want to add a “Blessing of the Devices” to your fall rites of passage. Just as we bless the physical symbols and tools of our learning, we can also bless and mark the digital devices through which so much of schooling, work, and life are now mediated.

    How to creatie a vibrant church community

    • Feeling isolated or disconnected? Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and developing a relationship within a faith community can be life-giving. Discipleship Ministries shares ideas on how to create a community within your church from offering radical hospitality to offering small group get togethers.

    See you at church!

    • The end of summer brings new opportunities to grow in our faith and reignites our passion for serving others. It’s time to head back to church, and as we connect with each other, let’s invite someone to join us on the life-changing journey of discipleship and ministry. Watch this video to find inspiration and share it with others as an invitation. 

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."