Meet the DLTs: Meg Hagerty
August 28, 2019 / By Meg Hagerty
As part of the Adirondack Leadership Team, the main contribution I make is to my church directly, and to the Adirondack District indirectly, through communications. I am responsible for generating an e-newsletter to the members and friends of Queensbury United Methodist Church every week and a print newsletter once a month, and printing the bulletin every Sunday. At one time I also coordinated with the former pastor on the website, created themed days and posted on QUMC's Facebook page and publicized church events to the community - duties I hope to resume under the new pastor.
While relaying information is the most important function of what I do, I have the opportunity to be a cheerleader for QUMC whether it's highlighting the work of our volunteers, explaining the mission of our ministries, or sharing photos from a VBS program, or a welcome picnic for the new pastor.
I enjoy what I do; it's a creative challenge to keep readers engaged but I am grateful for the wonderful team of staff and volunteers - many who have become my friends - who inspire me every day for what they do.