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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    Perspectives: Day in the Life

    A day in the Life: Julie Maciejewski

    November 7, 2016 / By Julie Maciejewski, Niagara Frontier District Administrative Assistant / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    As a District Admin Assistant, I can have contact with anyone in the Conference, but mostly from our district – the DS (District Superintendent), clergy, church leaders or someone who has a question about a person or event. Is that broad enough? Because that is what happens here – you never know who is going to call or e-mail you with a question or request.

    One of the main responsibilities for my job is to keep our district’s contact information updated in the Conference database. This usually takes place about this time of year because churches are turning in their list of church leaders’ contact information and again in the summer because of clergy appointment changes.

    I also hear from pastors and committee chairs this time of year with questions about the reports that are due for annual church conferences.

    People also send in articles they would like to be in the district newsletter. Those go out every two weeks and include events and activities at our local churches, district and Conference events and news, links from Conference resources, United Methodist Communications, other events that may be fun or interesting in our area and our “Peter and Paul” section – kind of a “I need” or “I have” items. Anyone can request to be on this distribution list – just ask!

    Then, there are the church and clergy files. We keep yearly reports that are turned in, general correspondence about things going on at the church, as well as personnel files for our clergy. We also have files on clergy candidates, Certified Lay Ministers, and several district committees.

    The district offices also keep track of equalization members who attend Annual Conference in early June. They are lay people who can vote on items submitted for consideration.

    Some people who contact me want to make an appointment with the District Superintendent and I can get them on his calendar.

    The District AAs also have four training sessions a year where we go to the conference office to meet and go over things that all of us deal with. It’s nice to have a support system with others who know exactly what you are dealing with. Our Bishop’s Executive Assistant oversees these meetings and one or two other staff members are usually there to share new or changing information.

    There is not really a typical day for me and that is one reason I like this job. I get to talk, e-mail, and see all kinds of people with all kinds of questions. Stop by to say “hello” sometime!

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    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."