news article
Susan Hardy elected as laity leader
June 20, 2016 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
On June 3, during the afternoon plenary at the 2016 UNY Annual Conference, Susan Hardy, Cornerstone District Lay Leader was elected as the Conference Lay Leader. Susan brings with her decades of leadership skills. On June 2, during the laity session, she shared her sentiment about the Annual Conference for laity, expressing, “What do the scriptures tell us about discipleship? It takes courage; it takes trust; it will take us to new places…Did you arrive here by accident? No, we are here because we were invited here. We are lay leaders; we are here to learn how to be disciples.”
Susan considers leadership as a gift passed down to her from her father and her connecting abilities as a gift that her grandmother Grace molded within her. Susan is deeply grateful for the many pastors, laity, and Cornerstone District Superintendent the Rev, Dr. Sherri Rood whom have supported her gifts.
In 2012, Susan was named as a member of Reaching Our Neighbors Mission Oversight Team. By 2013, the team asked her to accept the role of convener. Susan has also served on the FACT team and Nominations in the past few years. In her district, she accepted the role of District Lay Leader in 2014, and offers messages in 10 district churches as a Lay Servant Certified Speaker.