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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Summer Camp at Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center

    June 1, 2022 / By Shannon Hodson / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    From day camp to residential camp; from kayaking to white-water rafting; from the lakeside to the highlands; from arts and crafts to creating gadgets; from archery to riding rollercoasters, this summer, Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center has exciting summer-camp opportunities for children of all ages!

    David Weber, the site director for Casowasco is excited to report that camper registration has more than doubled since this point in time last year. He is also thrilled about the two sailboats, 12 new kayaks, and 12 paddle boards that Casowasco was able to purchase with the $38,000 ministry impact grant they received.

    David said, “Every single camper this year will be able to go on a sailboat ride at least once.”

    This year, there are some unique offerings at Casowasco.

    For children new to camping or for local families who would like their children to have fun in a Christian environment during their workweeks, there are Day Camp opportunities for nine weeks (June 27-Aug. 26).

    There are also traditional lakeside residential camps, where campers ages 7-17 can experience all that Casowasco has to offer; campers will “live” and engage with other children based on age-group.

    In addition to traditional summer camp, there are some unique offerings at Casowasco.

    David Weber said, “What we’re trying to do is engage campers who might not enjoy the traditional camp model.”

    One such camp is the Roller Coaster Camp. Campers will travel to several theme parks including Seabreeze, Darien Lake, and Cedar Point for the sake of taking on as many roller coasters as possible. When the parks close, campers will head to a campsite to camp out under the stars. Campers will take part in counselor-lead Bible studies and worship times within their traveling small group for this adventurous camp. 

    There is also a Whitewater Rafting Camp. Campers will travel to Letchworth State Park for whitewater rafting and the Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course for a trip around their high ropes course, and an adventure on the Hudson River taking part in whitewater rafting and tubing. Campers will participate in traditional Casowasco Bible study and worship times around a campfire while on this adventure of a young lifetime!

    The Highlands Camps are on-site at Casowasco, but unlike traditional camp, campers will be completely off-the-grid, lodged in yurts in the woods with no clocks or watches. There is a Junior Highlands camp for 10–12-year-olds; the traditional Highlands Camp is for 12-14-year-olds; and the Beyond Highlands Camp is for 11-13-year-olds where campers explore the outdoors from the Casowasco highlands area to a tent camping and hiking adventure across the state. 

    David Weber said, “The Highlands Camps help campers become self-reliant; they do their own cooking, swim in a pond, and do some awesome stargazing at night. Each night, a minister will come up for Bible study and worship.”

    Other unique camping opportunities include a Construction Zone camp and a Lights, Camera, Action Camp.

    For the very-first time, Casowasco is offering a Leaders-in-Training (LIT) Camp.

    David said, “In this brand-spanking-new camp, these future leaders will live here for 28 days.”

    LITS will become future staff at Casowasco and future leaders of the Church. They will learn how to become members of a healthy team, how to lead worship and Bible studies, and essential team-building skills. They will gain skills on the high-ropes course, how to lead an arts-and-crafts course, and they will even have the opportunity to become a certified lifeguard. All LITs will become CPR and First-Aid certified. LITs will also take a canoe trip, a tent-camping trip, and will have a mission.

    David said, “Through the LIT program, we’re developing leaders who will impact the camp, the Church, and hopefully, we’re making leaders for the transformation of the world.”

    While Casowasco is offering so many exciting opportunities this summer, they are still feeling the financial burden of the COVID pandemic.

    David said, “We are looking for people who are interested in helping us through the three Ts; they can offer their time by volunteering or praying for us; they can offer their talent by volunteering for us (an example would be to volunteer for our nurse position or as a counselor for a week); and they can offer their treasures through an undesignated donation (via this link).”

    David continued, “My personal goal is to never turn away a child from camp. If they cannot afford our camp, we will find the funds!”

    Click here If you’d like to learn more about all the summer camp opportunities at Casowasco.

    You are also welcome to attend Casowasco’s Open House on Sunday June 5 from 1-5 p.m. The Open House will include tours, hot dogs and hamburgers, canoeing, kayaking, and arts and crafts.

    TAGGED / Camp and Retreat Ministry (CRM)

    With more than 100,000 members, United Methodists of Upper New York comprises of more than 675 local churches and New Faith Communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."