Safe Sanctuaries® Resources
UNY's Safe Sanctuaries® Training (Source: UNY Safe Sanctuaries Team)
How to arrange an UNY Safe Sanctuaries® Training? (Source: UNY Safe Sanctuaries Team)
Is it okay to videotape kids at church? (Source: Church Law & Tax)
Training Annual Orientation (Source: UNY Safe Sancturies Team)
Supporting a Shift to Online Youth Ministriy Meetings (Source: UMC Discipleship)
Safe Sanctuaries® Anniversary Edition: Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church for Children and Youth (Anniversary Edition) by Joy Thornburg Melton
- ISBN 13: 9780881775433, Cokesbury SKU: 9780881775433
Santuarios seguros: Prevencion del abuso infantil y juvenil en la iglesia (Spanish Edition)
- ISBN 13: 9780881774023
- ISBN 10: 0881774022 is no longer available at Cokesbury
Safe Sanctuaries®: The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Older Adults by Joy Thornburg Melton
Have you ever thought of older adults in your church as being vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, or neglect? No church is immune from this reality. Don’t let your church be part of the problem. This resource offers valuable, practical advice to help churches reduce the possibilities for abuse and exploitation of elders.
- Cokesbury SKU: 9780881776133 ISBN 13:9780881776133)
Safe Sanctuaries® for Ministers: Best Practices and Ethical Decisions by Joy Thornburg Melton Cokesbury
This book explores three areas of special concern to clergy:
- Counseling and the potential improprieties within the counseling relationship,
- Finances and the potential improprieties related to church finance, and
- Sexuality and the potential for sexual misconduct. An excellent resource not just for pastors but also for Staff Parish Committees and those who work with pastors.
- SKU: 9780881775600 ISBN 13: 9780881775600
Safe Sanctuaries® in a Virtual World by Joy Thornburg Melton and Michele Foster
Addresses the challenges of ministry that have arisen in the face of rapidly changing technology, sometimes referred to as the digital age. This is both timely and practical, covering topics such as copyright in the digital age, the application of law to the life of the church, the basics of ministry in a virtual world, pornography, and obscenity.
- Cokesbury SKU: 9780881776300 ISBN 13: 9780881776300
Safe Sanctuaries® for Children and Youth by Joy Thornburg Melton; 2004 (Available from the Conference Media Resource Center)
WEBSITES - includes the 2011 Resolution, The Minimum Standards (2016), guidelines for local church teams, background check information - New York’s sex offender registry - Discipleship Ministries UMC –General Commission on the Status and Role of Women UMC – UMC Discipleship Ministries - Youth - free resources from Church Mutual insurance - NYS Office of Children & Family Services – Report/Prevent Child Abuse and Adult Protective Services tabs – Prevent Child Abuse New York – Child Welfare Information Gateway – US Department of Health and Human Services – Darkness to Light – “Stewards of Children” on-line training – from US Department of Health and Human Services – National Center on Elder Abuse