news / Spiritual Life
Spiritual Practices Podcast
The Rev. Nancy Dibelius leads us on a journey of spiritual practices. Click here to watch spiritual practice videos on Vimeo and click here for more information and resources on spiritual life in Upper New York.
Episode 25: The Examen: step two
A practice introduced in an earlier episode, the Examen allows us to notice the ways in which God is present in our lives and help us become more sensitive to these moments. The First step, known as the Examen of Consciousness, is indented to help us focus on the level of our awareness of God. The Second Step is known as the Examen of Conscience. Join the Rev. Nancy Debelius as she guides us through step two of this practice.
Episode 24: Study
The spiritual practice of study is intended to direct your attention repeatedly on God and things of God. Some might mistake this practice for meditation, but there are differences. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she guides us through study.
Episode 23: Lectio Divina: John 10
Originating in the third and fourth centuries with the dessert mothers and fathers, Lectio Divina, or “holy reading,” became a well-established practice of monastic life. This practice was originally used with the psalms but can be used with any scripture. In this episode, the Rev. Nancy Dibelius uses the lectionary for April 21, the fourth Sunday of Easter.
Episode 22: Simplicity
The Bible is full of teachings about accumulating wealth and hoarding possessions. Simplicity is focused on putting possessions in proper perspective. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she guides us through the spiritual practice of simplicity.
Episode 21: Confession
Confession is not something we are drawn to. It brings up uncomfortable words, like “sin.” We can all acknowledge that we sin, but forgiveness can come when we come before God and confess our failures. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she introduces the spiritual discipline of confession.
Episode 20: Lectio Divina for Lent
Lectio Divina is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer. The practice was originally used with the psalms but can be used with any scripture. Listen as the Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through Lectio Divina using part of Psalm 51, a reading from the lectionary for the fifth week of Lent.
Episode 19: Prayer Discipline
John Wesley considered prayer to be one of the most significant means of grace. Many of us feel challenged by how to pray. Is there a “right” way to do this? Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she explores ways to pray by focusing less on its form and more on our relationship with God.
Episode 18: Service
What does it mean to be in service with one another? Listen as the Rev. Nancy Dibelius talks about the Christian discipline of service to build community as a part of mercy, compassion, and justice.
Episode 17: Spiritual Discernment
Spiritual discernment focuses on separating ourselves from the world and allowing us to sort through the many things that may be calling to us. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she explores the spiritual practice of discernment.
Episode 16: Worship
Worship is our response to God’s initiative in our lives. It can be a very personal act. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she introduces the spiritual discipline of worship.
Episode 15: Guided Meditation
Guided meditation, or entering the narrative, is an ancient practice that encourages use of the imagination, feeling, and senses. The Rev. Nancy Dibelius invites us to become a participant in the biblical narrative and experience God and Jesus in a personal way in this lectionary reading for Christmas Eve.
Episode 14: Celebration
Celebration is at the heart of Christianity. It helps us enjoy the good things in life, offers perspective, and gives us the ability to laugh at ourselves. Join the Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she introduces the spiritual discipline of Celebration.
Episode 13: Sabbath
Overwhelmed? Anxious? Tired? Listen as the Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through the practice of the spiritual discipline of Sabbath. Sabbath is rest, renewal, and recreating a sign of God's faithfulness. It varies in length from one person to another and looks and feels different for each of us.
Episode 12: Journaling
The Rev. Nancy Dibelius encourages people to write a journal after experiencing a spiritual practice. But how is journaling different from keeping a diary? Join Rev. Dibelius as she offers guidance on the spiritual practice of journaling.
Episode 11: Mandalas
We all have a creative nature. Listen as Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us into art as a form of prayer using mandalas.
Episode 10: Lectio Divina: Philippians 1:27-28
What would God say to you today? Listen as Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina using Philippians 1:27-28. Take this podcast at your own pace.
Episode 9: Fasting
Fasting doesn't necessarily mean refraining from eating. The Rev. Nancy Dibelius encourages you to find something that you can give up for some time, and in turn, spend that time focusing on your relationship with God.
Episode 8: Silence and Solitude
Is there too much noise in your life causing you to be distracted from time to time? Listen as Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through the practice of Silence and Solitude so we can let go and be alone with God.
Episode 7: Art as Prayer
Rev. Nancy Dibelius introduces us "art as prayer." This episode shows us how to pray through artistic impression and allows us to live into our creative nature. The possibilities are endless.
Episode 6: Guided Meditation: Psalm 23
Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through meditation using Psalm 23.
Episode 5: Praying the Psalms
Rev. Nancy Dibelius introduces us to Praying the Psalms, a practice that began in the first centuries of the Christian Church with the desert mothers and fathers.
Episode 4: Lectionary Divina
Join Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she guides us through the practice of Lectio Divina.
Episode 3: Breath Prayer
Listen as Rev. Nancy Dibelius guides us through the practice of Breath Prayer.
Episode 2: The Examen
Join Rev. Nancy Dibelius as she guides us through this highly structured practice that allows us to notice the ways in which God has been present in our lives.
Episode 1: Guided Meditation, John 21: 1-19
Find yourself in the story of Jesus as he meets the disciples in the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection.