Behind the Scenes of Annual Conference Closing Blog: 2017 Annual Conference session wrap-up
June 14, 2017 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Together in Prayer: Trusting that God is Enough
Opening Worship on Thursday June 1 began with music and videos showcasing the annual theme of “Together in Prayer: Trusting that God is Enough.”
Visit to read more about the Opening Worship service.
Memorial Service
Thursday June 1 ended with the Memorial Service led by the Rev. Natalie Hanson. The service served to remember clergy and clergy spouses who passed away since Annual Conference 2016.
Visit to read more about the Memorial Service.
The Service of Blessing and Anointing
Friday June 2 ended with the Service of Blessing and anointing, a time to recognize retired clergy, the deacons and elders to be commissioned and ordained the following day and new church appointments. You can read more about this service by visiting
Young People’s Worship Service
At the Young People Worship on June 3, the sermon “Trust: God is Enough” depicted three young people sharing their struggles, followed by scripture relating to the story.
Visit to learn more about what the young people had to say during their June 3 service.
The Service of Commissioning and Ordination
Bishop Webb ended the 2017 session of Annual Conference with the Service of Commissioning and Ordination. This year, there were two commissioners for the work of a deacon and nine commissioners for the work of an elder. There were three ordinands to the order of a deacon and seven ordinands to the order of an elder. Also, Yohan Moon’s orders were recognized as the order of an elder.
To read more about the Service of Commissioning and Ordination, visit
Study Sessions led by The Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean
The Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean’s first study session. Dr. Creasy Dean–an ordained United Methodist pastor in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference and professor of youth, church, and culture at Princeton Theological Seminary served as the study leader of AC2017.
Visit to read more about Dr. Creasy Dean’s first study session.
Visit to learn more about Dr. Creasy Dean’s second study session.
The Budget
On Thursday June 1, Pastor Nate Lang of the Cornerstone District made a motion to move the Budget Report to the consent calendar. Much to Bishop Webb’s surprise, Pastor Lang’s motion was supported. However, there was a question as to whether or not the amendment was in constitutional order. After researching it Thursday evening, Bishop Webb announced on Friday morning that the amendment was in constitutional order so the 2018 budget was placed on the consent calendar and supported. Visit to read more about the supported budget.
Commission on a Way Forward
Scott Johnson was asked to speak about his involvement on the Commission on a Way Forward - a committee that was formed by the Council of Bishops to help resolve the division on the topic of sexuality in the United Methodist Church.
Visit to learn more about the Commission on a Way Forward.
Petition & Resolution Results
Of the 19 resolutions presented at Annual Conference, 15 were supported, two were not supported and two were withdrawn.
To read more about the resolution results, visit
Additional Coverage
Be sure to check out for a full video recap of UNY AC2017!
For more videos visit
For Daily Notes and additional information go to