news article
Mid-Term State of The United Methodist Church set for March 2
February 27, 2023 / By Rev. Dr. Maidstone Mulenga Director of Communications Council of Bishops
Council of Bishops President Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton will deliver a Mid-Term State of The United Methodist Church Address on March 2, 2023, at 1pm EST. The video presentation will launch on the official United Methodist denominational website at and be shared on
The news comes on the heels of Bishop Bickerton’s Ash Wednesday message in which he encouraged United Methodists to "use the Lenten season to pray that God will create within us a clean heart and a renewed spirit."
He is expected to build off of his call for members to “make the pivot away from what was into new and concerted efforts to reclaim, revive and renew The United Methodist Church throughout the world.”
A downloadable discussion guide offering scripture readings and opportunities to engage in conversations with other United Methodists on key points from the address will follow shortly after the video presentation.
“I pray that members will take time to listen to this message and join in the creation of beloved community in each of our settings as we begin to dream about what God is calling us to do and be as United Methodists. Together, may we forge ahead in being rooted in the Bible, praying, making disciples for Jesus Christ, sharing the Gospel message, and working for peace and justice so that all may experience the new life we find in the Lord,” said Bishop Bickerton.
He added that “I’m proud to #BeUMC and celebrate the work of mission and ministry being done by local churches and individual United Methodists in living out their faith as people of God.”