news article
From the desk of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez - 2023 Church Conference Season
July 6, 2023 / By Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez
Editor's Note: The following letter was sent to United Methodists of Upper New York on July 6, 2023 Dear United Methodists of Upper New York, Grace and peace from our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ, be with you. I thank God for the warmer temperatures and longer days as we enter summer. I also thank congregations for hosting children and youth through their summer programs (VBS, Movie Nights, Splash Days, etc.) and for churches that sponsor young disciples to attend one of UNY’s Summer Camps. During the summer, clergy, and church leaders also prepare for the fall months. The Annual Charge Conference is essential to administering congregational ministry in The United Methodist Church. This is when the leaders of local congregations gather with their District Superintendent or a presiding elder to organize the congregation’s life for the coming year. As we proceed with the implementation of our new Superintendency coverage model, we aim to provide clergy and congregational leaders with a comprehensive timeline for the upcoming 2023 Church Conference season. This will enable you to proactively organize and execute Charge Conferences in a timely manner, ensuring that they are conducted with utmost excellence. All information, forms, and other resources related to Charge Conferences will be available on the UNY website here. Charge Conference Forms All forms that churches must complete for their regular Charge Conference will be posted on the conference’s website by August 1, 2023. The following forms are due to your District Superintendent by September 20, 2023:
The rest of the Charge Conference forms are due 15 days before the scheduled Charge Conference date. Clergy Profile, Supervisory, and Advisory Forms This year the clergy profile, supervisory, and advisory forms will be consolidated into one form to be filled out online. This form is due on August 25, 2023. Clergy will receive a separate email with instructions on accessing and filling out the form by August 1, 2023. Congregational Profile and Appointment Advisory Forms The congregational profile and appointment advisory forms will be consolidated into one form to be filled out online. This form is due on November 1, 2023. SPRC Chairs will receive a separate email with instructions on accessing and filling out the form by August 1, 2023. Clergy One-on-One Meetings This year, completing the clergy profile online will serve as the official supervisory engagement with the superintendent required by our polity. As District Superintendents oversee more churches and clergy, they will prioritize whom they invite for the one-on-one supervisory conversations. Please note that this is a mandatory meeting for invited clergy. District Superintendents will publish the one-on-one schedule by August 1, 2023. Charge Conferences This year local churches' Charge Conferences will happen in different formats (in-person, online, clusters) to meet the contextual needs of each district. Please note that all UNY churches, including the ones disaffiliating, need a Charge Conference to comply with UMC polity and NY state laws. A pastor may request their District Superintendent a church conference to increase members’ participation. The Charge Conference schedules for all districts will be posted by August 15, 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact your District’s Superintendency Assistant if you have any questions or need more information. You can find their contact information here. May the renewing Spirit of the Risen Christ continue to be at work in our lives and shared ministries as we seek to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and be God’s love for our neighbors – all for the glory of God. Together in the journey, Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez The United Methodist Church Serving United Methodists of Upper New York |