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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.


    2023 Retirements

    The Upper New York cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry thank our 2023 retirees for their faithful servant leadership over the years. Click here to watch video messages from the Class of 2023.

    Hoyt W. Brown

    L 1999 PE 2003 FE 2006 RE 2023
    1999 (8/1999) West Ohio Conference: Ross Community 2000 Oxford UMC 2002 No Appointment 2003 Commissioned in West Ohio Conference, (WNY) Henrietta: Christview 2002 No Appointment 2004 Transfer to WNY: Faith (Henrietta) 2010 (UNY) Faith Henrietta 2014 Faith Henrietta; 2015 Adams Basin/Spencerport/Grace/West Ave (75%); 2016 Rochester: New Horizons; 2017 Livonia; 2023 Retired

    Tracy Cook

    PM 1983 FM 1987 HL 2004 PL 2015 RHL 2023
    1983 (NNY) Watertown: Asbury (Student Intern); 1984 School; 1985 Edwards, S. Edwards; 1989 (NCNY) Edwards, S. Edwards; supervising Russell, Degrasse, Hermon; 1991 Adams, Sulphur Springs; 1994 Leave of Absence; 1995 Watertown: Bethany, Black River; 1999 Black River; 2003 Family Leave; 2004 Honorable Location; 2010 (UNY) Honorable Location Carthage CC; 2015 PL: Naumburg: Beaver Valley/Barnes Corners (25%); 2017 PL: Naumburg: Beaver Valley/Barnes Corners; Harrisville First (50%); 2023 Retired

    John Dedloff 

    SY 2016 PL 2018 RL 1/1/23
    2016 Perrysburg-Dayton <25% (7/1/16-8/28/16); 2016 (6/18/17) Cherry Creek-Leon; 2018 (12/6/18) PL: Cherry Creek-Leon (25%); 2019 Cherry Creek-Leon (25%); CP:  Conewango Valley; 2020 (11/1/20) Cherry Creek-Leon (25%); CP: Conewango Valley, Ellington; 2022 (1/1/2023) Retired

    Nancy Dibelius

    PD 2017 FD 2020 RD 2023
    2017 Assoc. Dir. Of Spirit Life for Vital Congr (75%); 2023 Retired


    Joan Dunn

    PL 2009 RL 2023
    2009 (NCNY) PL: Cold Brook (25%); 2010 (UNY) PL: Cold Brook (25%); 2011 PL: North Western (25%); 2016 (7/24/16) North Western/Remsen (50%); 2019 PL: Remsen/Westmoreland (75%); 2023 Retired

    Jean E. Edmister

    PL 2002 RL 2023
    2002 (WNY)(12/22/02) PL: Pendleton Ctr (75%); 2008 (1/1/08) PL: Joshua Connection: Pendleton Ctr, Niagara Falls: First (75%); 2010 (UNY) PL: Joshua Connection: Pendleton Ctr, Niagara Falls: First (75%); 2018 Amherst: Trinity (75%); 2023 Retired

    James L. Foote

    SY 2017 PL 2019
    2017 (9/17/17) Brasher Falls 25%; 2018 (1/13/19) Brasher Falls (25%)/Norfolk (25%); 2019 (7/29/19) Brasher Falls/Norfolk (50%); 2023 Retired

    Timothy Gleason

    SP 1994 FL 1997 PM 2000 FE 2003 RE 2023
    2008 (337.1) NCNY: Oswego First; 2009 (NCNY) Transfer In: Oswego First; 2010 (UNY) Oswego First; 2011 Findley Lake; 2012 Friends in Christ, Cuba; 2014 Friendship/Cuba; 2015 (10/1/15) Friendship 50%; 2016 Belmont 25%/Scio 25%; 2018 Freeville/Truxton (100%); 2020 Waterloo/Varick (100%); 2022 (11/1/22) Varick (50%); 2023 Retired

    Molly Golando

    PL 2006 PD 2013 FD 2017 RD 2023
    2006 (WNY) PL: Sheridan (75%); 2010 (UNY) PL: Sheridan; Perrysburg-Dayton (75%); 2013 (2/12/13) transitional leave; 2014 Westfield UMC & Ext. Min: Functional Literacy Ministry/Haiti & BECALM; 2017 FD: Westfield UMC & Ext. Min: Functional Literacy Ministry/Haiti & BECALM; 2018 (2/8/19) Ext. Min: Functional Literacy Ministry/Haiti & United Presby. Church of Randolph; 2023 (7/2/23) Retired

    John Green

    LM 2011 PL 2013
    *2011 Great Valley; 2013 (UNY) (11/17/13) PL: Great Valley (25%); 2022 (1/1/2023) no longer serving/retired

    Kent Higgins

    PM 1981 FE 1984 RE 8/1/2023
    1981 Virginia Conference 1982 (Troy) Berlin & Grafton 1985 School 1994 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 2010 (UNY) Chaplain: Utd Christian Fdn., Amherst, MA 2023 (8/1/23) Retired

    Judith Humphrey-Fox

    PM 1987 FE 1991 RE 2023
    1987 (Troy) At School; 1989 Ames-Sprout Brook; 1995 Appt. in WYO Davenport/W. Davenport(50%); 2000 Porter Corners (50%); 2002 Lake George, First; South Corinth (50%); 2008 Lake Luzerne & Middle Grove; 2010 (UNY) Lake Luzerne & South Corinth (50%); 2013 Broadalbin / Edinburg (75%); 2016 Amsterdam 50% / Broadalbin 50%; 2019 Amsterdam/Restoration Ministry; 2023 Retired


    Geri Judd

    PL 2015 FL 2020 PL 3/1/22 RL 2023
    2014 (UNY) (5/6/15) Trumansburg (25%); 2015 PL: Jacksonville Community (50%); 2020 Jacksonville/Newfield; 2021 (3/1/22) Jacksonville/Newfield (75%); 2022 Newfield (25%); 2023 Retired



    John Laskowski

    PL 2001 FL 2009 PL 2011 FL 2012 PL 2016 RL 2023
    2001 (WYO) PL: Wesley Endicott (75%); 2005 PL: Wilkes Barre Central (75%); 2009 FL: Wilkes Barre Central  & Askam; 2011 (UNY) PL: Covington (25%); 2011 (8/1/11) PL: Covington, Fowlerville (25%); 2012 FL: Albion /Holley: Disciples; 2016 PL: Adams Basin 25%/Spencerport 50%; 2022 Spencerport (50%); 2023 Retired


    Sung Ho Lee

    FL 1995 PE 1996 FE 1998 RE 2023
    1994 (NCNY) (Feb. 21, 1995) FL: Ithaca: Korean, Burdett; 1996 Hamilton; 2000 Corning: First; 2007 Mohawk District Superintendent; 2010 (UNY) Mohawk District Superintendent; 2015 Grand Island: Trinity; 2018 Rochester Aldersgate; 2023 Retired



    Samuel Moore

    PL 2010
    2010 (UNY) (11/14/10) PL: Amboy Center (25%); 2011 PL: Amboy Center (25%); 2013 PL: Caughdenoy (25%); 2019 Warners (50%); 2022 (12/4/22) Caughdenoy (25%); 2023 Retirement


    Robert "BJ" Norrix

    PM 1980 FM 1984 RE 2023
    1980 (CNY) In School; 1981 Leave of Absence; 1982 (NNY) Waddington, Louisville (UCC); 1984 (CNY) Onondaga Hill; 1987 (NCNY)(June'88) Syr: Christ Community; 2010 (UNY) Syr: Christ Community; 2011 Amherst: Christ; 2015 Syracuse UM Ministries; 2020 Syracuse UM Ministries; CP: Ira; 2020 Syracuse UM Ministries; CP: Ira, Camillus First; 2021 Syr UM Min; CP: Camillus First, Oswego Trinity; 2021 (10/20/21) Syracuse UM Ministries; 2023 Retired


    Sandi Perl

    PL 2008 FL 2015 RL 11/2022
    2008 (NCNY) PL: Milo Center (25%); 2010 (UNY) PL: Milo Center (25%); ;2012 PL: Milo Center, Branchport (25%) 2013 (1/1/14) Milo Center, Branchport; 2013 (4/1/14) PL: Milo Ctr, Branchport; NFC: Living Well; 2015 (1/1/16) Bluff Point 75%/ Living Well 25%; 2016 (1/1/17) Bluff Point 50%/ Living Well 25%; 2019 Bluff Point 50%/Penn Yan 25%; 2019 (1/1/20) Bluff Point 75%; 2022 (11/1/22) Retired



    William L. Puckey

    PL 1993 AM 2000 RA 2023
    1993 (WYO) PL 75%: Harmony Cooperative Parish, Thompson; 1994 FL: Dir. Christians United Together; Newton; 2000 AM: Castle Creek; 2005 Hawleyton, Conklin Forks; 2010 (UNY) Hawleyton, Conklin Forks; 2015 South Glens Falls; 2017 South Glens Falls/CP-Lake George First; 2019 Candor: McKendree/Germany Hill; 2023 Retired

    Hector Rivera

    PL 2012 PE 2018 FE 2022 RE 2023
    2012 (UNY) PL: Rochester: Aldersgate (<25%); 2015  (1/1/16) Roch: Aldersgate (Hispanic Latino Church (25%); 2017  PL: Rochester: Aldersgate (25%); LeRoy (25%); 2018 PE: Rochester: Aldersgate/Leroy (75%); 2020 Leroy, Rios de Agua Viva (75%); 2021 LeRoy (50%); 2022 FE: LeRoy (50%); 2023 Retired


    Laura Schaal Calos

    SP 1985 PM 1988 FM 1992
    1985 (9/20/85) (WNY) SL: Hemlock; 1989 Hamburg, Associate; 1993 LeRoy; Stafford; 2003 Honeoye Falls; 2007 Macedon Center/South Perinton; 2010 (UNY) Macedon Center/South Perinton; 2011 Macedon Center/South Perinton; 2013 Macedon Center/South Perinton; 2014 Waterloo; 2018 Waterloo/Tyre; 2020 Watertown: Asbury; 2021 Watertown: Asbury; CP: Natural Bridge, Champion; 2023 Retired


    Cathy Hall Stengel

    PM 1982 FM 1985 RE:1/2023
    1982 (WNY) At School; 1983 Allens Hill; Canadice; 1985 Portville; 1988 Medina; 1993 Carlton; 1997 Harris Hill; 2004 Penfield; 2007 Mountain View District Superintendent; 2010 (UNY) Mountain View District Superintendent; 2014 Rush; 2019 Ext. Min.- Chaplain-Univ. of Colorado Health System, Univ. of Colorado Medical Center, Anschutz Hospital; 2020 Joshua Connection: Pendleton Ctr & NF First; 2021 (1/11/22) Pendleton Center; 2022 (1/1/2023) Retired


    Holly Strickland

    SY 2017 PL 2018 RL 2023
    2017 Elmira: Westside; Webb Mills (75%); 2018 (9/25/18) PL: Elmira: Westside/Webb Mills (75%); 2019 (4/13/20) Webb Mills (50%); 2023 Retired


    Martha Swords-Horrell

    PM 1983 FM 1985 RE 2023
    1983 (N.IL) Parish of Reconciliation; 1985 (1/1/86) In School; 1986 (Jan.'87) Brookfield Comm.; 1991 (NCNY) Appointed to School; 1992 Chaplain, Tompkins Co. Hosp. LFT; 1994 Chpln, Tompkins Co. Hosp; Ith: St. Paul's Assoc. LFT; 1995 Lansing; 2003 Appt in PA-Delaware Conf: St. Michael's-St. Luke; 2004 (10/01/04) Clay: Trinity; Phoenix; 2005 Clay: Trinity; 2008 Fayetteville; 2010 (UNY) Syr: Brown Mem., Syracuse: West Genesee; 2011 Syr Brown Memorial; Project Dir SWUM; CP-W Genesee (7/1/11-12/31/11); 2012 Project Dir. SWUM & Syr. Brown Memorial; 2014 Troy: Christ Church; 2017 LFT: Albany: Emmaus (50%); 2018 Oneonta First (100%); 2023 Retired

    MaryAnn Taylor

    SY 2016 PL 2017 RL 2023
    2016 Nanticoke 25%/Killawog 25%; 2017 Nanticoke/Killawog (50%); 2023 Retired

    Lauren Turner

    PL 1982 FL 1998 PL 2013 RL: 2023
    1982 (1/3/82) North Harmony, Magnolia (DS hire); 1982 (10/1/82) Limestone, Killbuck (DS hire); 1985 (3/24/85) Steamburg (DS hire); 1987  PL: Steamburg, East Otto (50%)
    1990 (WNY) (1/1/90) PL: East Otto (75%); 1994 (9/1/94) PL: Jamestown: Christ First (Youth Pastor)(75%); 1998 FL: Celoron, Gerry; 2005 FL: Warsaw: First; 2008 FL: Warsaw: First, Silver Springs; 2010 (UNY) FL: Warsaw: First, Silver Springs; 2013 (1/1/14) PL: Warsaw First, Silver Springs (50%); 2016 PL:  Dalton 75% & Gainesville PP; 
    2023 Retired

    Rebecca J. Ward

    PL 2001 FL 2009 PE 2010 PL 2018 RL 2023
    2000 (WNY) PL: Conewango Valley (75%); 2003 PL: Forestville (75%); 2008 PL: Forestville, Perrysburg-Dayton (75%); 2009 FL: Northern Cornerstone Coop Parish (Forestville & Perrysburg) CP-Collins Center, Cottage, Versailles; 2010 (UNY) Hartland; Wilson: Exley; 2010 (4/01/2011) Incapacity Leave; 2013 South Dayton; 2014 Cattaraugus, Wesley; 2018 PL: Wesley (25%); 2018 (8/1/18) Ripley/S Ripley (50%); 2023 Retired


    Kelly K. Warner

    PE 1997 FE 2000 RE2023
    1997 (Troy) Georgia & St. Albans Bay; 2001 Georgia; 2003 South Glens Falls; 2010 (UNY) Albany: Pine Grove; 2013(5/6/2013) Medical leave; 2014 (2/1/2014) Personal Leave; 2014 (7/1/14) Hartford (25%); 2015 Hartford (25%)/ CP Sanfords Ridge; 2017 Hartford (25%); 2017 (12/3/17) Hartford (25%)/ CP Rock City Falls; 2017 (1/1/18) Ballston Spa (75%)/CP Rock City Falls; 2020 (4/1/21) Ballston Spa (50%)/CP Rock City Falls; 2021 Ballston Spa, Round Lake (75%); CP Rock City Falls; 2022 Ballston Spa (50%); 2023 Retirement

    Marilyn Wolfe

    PE 1993 FE 1996 RE 2023
    1993 (NCNY) In School; 1994 Collamer (United); 2000 Syracuse: University Assoc.; 2002 Syracuse: University; 2008 Attend School; 2010 (UNY) Solvay LFT (25%); 2013 Family Leave; 2014 Extension Min @ Centus, Samaritan Institute; 2023 Retired

    Thomas Wolfe

    PM 1980 FM 1983 RE 2023
    1980 (CNY) In School; 1981 Ithaca: Forest Home; 1984 Moravia; 1990 (NCNY) Prot. Chaplain, Syracuse University; 1998 (1/1/99) Dean of Hendricks Chapel, SU; 2009 Sr. VP-Dean, Div. of Student Affairs, SU; 2010 (UNY) Sr. VP-Dean, Div. of Student Affairs, SU; 2013 Pres. Iliff School of Theology, Ext. Min.; 2023 Retired


    Previous retirements can be found here.

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."