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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    Perspectives: Meet the DLTs

    Perspectives: “Meet the DLTs”

    Meet the DLTs: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Quick

    November 12, 2019 / By Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Quick

    I’m Beth Quick, and I’m a member of the Northern Flow District Leadership Team. I’ve served as the pastor of the North Gouverneur and Gouverneur: First UMCs since 2016. I’ve been in pastoral ministry for 16 years, and I, like you, have seen the role of the church in society change significantly in that time. For pastors and congregations, we must learn new ways …more

    Meet the DLTs: Northern Flow District

    November 5, 2019 / By Brenda Shelmidine

    My name is Brenda Shelmidine and I’m a member of the Northern Flow District Leadership Team as well as serving the Northern Flow District as their Lay Leader. I am also a member of the Lorraine United Methodist Church and serve as a lay speaker. I am the least experienced member of our DLT, and I am continuing to learn a lot on our journey together. Our meetings …more

    Meet the DLTs: Peter Lagueras

    October 29, 2019 / By Peter Lagueras

    My name is Peter Lagueras and I am the lay leader of the Genesee Valley District. As the District Lay Leader, I have been a part of the District Leadership Team (DLT) because of my position. This is my second year serving on DLT. We have helped plan and organize many different events for the District including the Inform to Transform and the recently finished Bishop’s Retreat. The …more

    Meet the DLTs: Jan Rothfuss

    October 21, 2019 / By Jan Rothfuss

    My name is Jan (Janet) Rothfuss. I am a member of Aldersgate UMC: Greece, where I have been a member for fifteen years. My son, Aaron, now lives in North Carolina. He and his wife Diana have three children. I am blessed with grandchildren Alex, 6 ½, and twin girls Sophia and Madalyn, 2 ½. I was born into Methodism, fondly remembering my extended family sitting in the same pew every week. …more

    Meet the DLTs: Deb Clyde

    October 14, 2019 / By Deb Clyde

    Many years ago, I was invited to attend a Lay Speakers Retreat at Asbury Retreat Center. Fast forward and now I am the GVD Lay Servant Ministry Director, who planned this past fall’s Lay Servant Retreat at the Asbury Retreat Center. With that title came the opportunity to be on the GVD Leadership Team. I was somewhat overwhelmed at first because I wasn’t sure what was …more

    Meet the DLTs: Genesee Valley District

    October 7, 2019 / By Rev. Vonda Fossitt / 1 Comment

    The Genesee Valley District Leadership Team meets monthly to pray together, discern together, and strategize ways to assist the local church in ministry to the world. Several years of risk taking and faithful attempts at initiating new ideas and action plans, has resulted in a prosperous annual schedule of programming for the District. Our DLT hosts several main events, the Inform To Transform, a Fall Training event, and the Summer …more

    Meet the DLTs: Pastor Brandin Greco

    September 25, 2019 / By Pastor Brandin Greco / 1 Comment

    Many blessings family, I am Brandin Greco, pastor of the Lycoming United Methodist Church, located in the shadow of the Nine Mile power plant cooling tower in beautiful Oswego county on the shores of Lake Ontario. Pretty much a hometown boy raised in the town of Mexico, a short distance from my church family, I spent the first third of my adult life touring with the Army Band all over …more

    Meet the DLTs: Rev. Susan Ranous

    September 18, 2019 / By Rev. Susan Ranous

    My name is the Rev. Susan M. Ranous. I am a Deacon in Full Connection and I have been a member of the Crossroads District Leadership Team since its formation. There have been times when I have wondered why. As I considered that question recently, and also have been working on an intentional discipleship plan for a local church, it struck me that there has been a pathway that I …more

    Meet the DLTS: Judy Craigmile

    September 11, 2019 / By Judy Craigmile

    I am Judy Craigmile, First United Methodist Church of Phoenix Lay Leader. I was raised as a United Methodist from birth. I experienced the joyful love and faithful teachings about God and Jesus from caring, dedicated disciples within my family and childhood faith community. Their willingness to follow Christ in love and action provided memorable, foundational examples that impact how I live my adult life as a disciple of Jesus …more

    Meet the DLTs: Crossroads District

    September 3, 2019 / By Rev. Nola Anderson

    Winston Churchill said, “Excellence is caring more than others think is wise; risking more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is practical; expecting more than others think is possible.” The Crossroads DLT is made up of both laity and clergy. Our team meets monthly, except July and August. Over the past year, the Crossroads District Leadership Team (DLT) has been using the L3 model …more

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."