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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    Perspectives: Meet the DLTs

    Meet the DLTS: Mohawk District

    December 3, 2019 / By Wayne Clemens

    Greetings in the name of Christ from the Mohawk District Leadership Team! My name is Wayne Clemens and I am blessed to be the Senior Pastor at CenterPoint Church in Barneveld NY, as well as the coach/facilitator for the Mohawk District Leadership Team.

    This past year has been incredibly productive and spiritually renewing for us as a team as we have continued to focus on increasing leadership capacity among clergy and laity in our district. We continue to focus on our mission, vision, purpose and team objectives:

    Purpose of DLT

    1. Love: Do Spiritual Formation as a group.  Do the work of desiring God more.
    2. Learn: together
    3. Lead: together in District.  What is God calling us to?

    Mohawk District Leadership Team Objectives for Pastor Area Connection

    1. Encourage regular Connection amid the Pastors of the Mohawk District
    2. Build care and trust among the Pastors of the Mohawk District
    3. Revitalize the Pastors of the Mohawk District
    4. Create a space that encourages resourcing and shared ministry
    5. Minister to the isolation Pastors’ experience
    6. Build consistency in the midst of pastoral transitions

    Some of the ways in which we have been about this work in the past year include:

    1) We participated in two DLT retreats focused upon teambuilding and spiritual renewal. The first one in January was to set priorities for the coming year, and the one in July found us enjoying the outdoors, experiencing God in nature and celebrating all God has been accomplishing in our midst.

    2) We hosted a District-Wide Leadership Summit to continue to foster relationships, encourage connection and provide learning opportunities with a focus upon assisting churches and pastors in developing or enhancing their “Disciple Making Plan.”

    3) We continued to meet as a DLT on a regular basis, either monthly or bimonthly to plan, vision, prepare and grow together as a team.

    4) We continued to encourage and facilitate our Pastor Area Connection groups (PAC groups) that meet on a regular basis for pastors in geographic regions to gather for prayer, accountability, connectional relationship and spiritual growth.

    The Mohawk DLT is incredibly excited about all that God is going to do through our work on the district as we move into this new year. We continue to pray for all of the DLTs across the connection and we thank you all for your prayers as well.

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    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."