Albany District Church Directory
The churches in the district are listed alphabetically below. Simply click on the first letter of the churches name then select the church you are looking for to find contact information and more. If you know the name and spelling of the church you are looking for, feel free to use the “Search” function in the upper right hand corner.
Not sure the name of the church? Visit Find-A-Church and locate the nearest UMC.
- Albany: Korean UMC
- Albany: McKownville UMC
- Albany: Pine Grove UMC
- Albany: Trinity UMC
- Alplaus UMC
- Ames-Sprout Brook UMC
- Averill Park: Church of the Covenant
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- Canajoharie UMC
- Castleton: Saint Paul’s UMC
- Centre Glenville UMC
- Clifton Park: Shenendehowa UMC
- Cornerstone Community Church of Lansingburgh
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- Nassau: Grace UMC
- Newtonville UMC
- Niverville-Chatham Center UMC
- Northampton UMC at Fish House
- North Bush UMC
- North Chatham UMC
- Northville UMC
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- Salisbury Center UMC
- Schenectady: Eastern Parkway UMC
- Schenectady: Faith UMC
- Schenectady: First UMC
- Scotia UMC
- South Bethlehem UMC
- Stephentown Federated Church
- Stratford UMC