Testimonials & Webinars: Digital Discipleship
Watch the following testimonial, offered by a clergy member of the Upper New York Conference. In addition to testimonials, the Upper New York Communications Ministry will be scheduling webinars in October and November 2020 to provide additional support for churches and congregations wanting to learn more.
Children and Youth Ministries: Lynne Kimpland, Endwell UMC
Watch a recording from the Zoom Webinar: Lynne Kimpland, Children and Youth Ministries (Jan. 12, 2021)
Online Giving using Tithely: Rev. BJ Norrix, Erwin First UMC
Watch a recording from the Zoom Webinar: Rev. BJ Norrix: Online Giving using Tithe.ly (Oct. 13, 2020)
Facebook: Lori Jagow, Online Minister at Pendleton Center UMC
Watch a recording from the Zoom Webinar: Lori Jagow: Using Facebook to increase Discipleship (Oct. 27, 2020)
Zoom: Rev. Rachel Dupont, Broad Street UMC
Watch a recording from the Zoom Webinar: Rachel Barnhart: Hosting House Churches using Zoom (Nov. 5, 2020)