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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    about / Finance

    Ministry Shares

    Click here to download the 2024 Ministry Shares Allocation document. 

    Click here to download a printable brochure explaining everything you need to know about Ministry Shares for 2025.

    What are Ministry Shares?


    A Ministry Share is a pro-ration of Conference and General Church budgets among the local churches based on an established formula. Ministry Share components relate directly to the Categories on the Annual Conference Budget. 

    Click here to view the quantitative portrayal of how the Conference staff engages in ministry.

    The two primary categories that the Upper New York Annual Conference budget is currently segregated into are:

    • General Connectional Ministry
    • Conference Connectional Ministry

    What is General Connectional Ministry?

    This section of the budget contains the General and Jurisdictional Church apportionments for our Annual Conference which are:

    • World Service
    • Ministerial Education
    • Black College
    • Africa University
    • Episcopal
    • General Administration
    • Interdenominational Cooperation
    • Northeastern Jurisdiction

    The General Church and the Jurisdiction determine the amounts for each Annual Conference. These amounts must be budgeted at 100% in the Annual Conference budget each year.

    What is Conference Connectional Ministry?

    The funding/budgets for all of the activities under the leadership of the Annual Conference are captured in this section.

    Conference Benevolences - The programmatic activities, mission teams and committees focused on carrying out the specifics of our Vision and Purpose are funded under this section.

    Ministerial Support - The structure of The United Methodist Church as provided by the Book of Discipline and other Conference needs requires and allows various funds and organizational structures necessary:

    1. to provide support to our local churches and appointed pastors through the District office, the Cabinet of the Annual Conference and through Equitable Compensation funds;
    2. to provide support to current and retired clergy and persons studying to become clergy through the Conference Leadership Structure, the Board of Ordained Ministry, Sustentation and Moving Expense funds;
    3. to provide support to our presiding episcopal office under Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez;
    4. to plan for funding the General and Jurisdictional Travel expenditures of Annual Conference delegates to attend General and Jurisdictional Conferences.

    Conference Administration Ministry - The work of the Upper New York Conference includes the important components of any viable and vibrant business operation including Communications, IT, Benefits & Personnel, Finance, and Office Operations. These ministry areas, which are funded in this component of the total Conference budget, form the foundations of the business operations necessary to, not only support, but to help make successful the missions and ministries funded in the Conference Benevolences and Ministerial Support areas. 

    The budgets of the Upper New York Annual Conference are based upon an assumption that all local churches might not meet their ministry share obligation at 100%. In the event this level of funding is not achieved by the Annual Conference, all areas of the budget will be negatively and proportionately impacted. The vision of the Upper New York Annual Conference is fresh and new and comes from a process of faith and discernment around giving also informs us that meeting the 100% mark of ministry share giving can truly be achieved.

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."