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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Rev. Mary Kelly celebrated as new Conference Superintendent during installation service

    November 4, 2024 / By Shelby Winchell, Director of Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    On Saturday, November 2, United Methodists of Upper New York gathered at Springville First UMC to welcome and celebrate the installation of the Rev. Mary Kelly as a new Conference Superintendent of the Cornerstone and Niagara Frontier Districts.  

    “Today we come with joyful hearts to praise the Lord and we also gather to celebrate a new season of ministry in the Niagara Frontier and Cornerstone Districts here in Upper New York and to give thanks to God for the life, call, ministry, and leadership of our sister and leader, the Rev. Mary Ann Kelly” exclaimed Bishop Héctor.  

    The bishop thanked those in attendance for accepting God’s invitation to take part in the service, the community they are providing to one another, and the support they are offering for Rev. Kelly. 

    The service began with an opening prayer by the Rev. Matthew French, pastor at Springville First UMC, seeking grace for all of those who provide leadership in The United Methodist Church. 

    “Eternal God, by your grace you have set us together in your church, whose foundation is your son, Jesus Christ. Grant your continuing grace, we pray, to all who exercise leadership in your church, that they may with diligence and faithfulness fulfill their various ministries; and grant that we your people may follow them where you lead and minister faithfully in the world; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.” 

    The Rev. CJ Rolle, pastor at Lincoln Memorial UMC in Buffalo, performed an “Act of Praise” and played “Give Glory to God Saints” on the piano.  

    Jayme Kelly, Rev. Kelly’s husband, offered a “Prayer for Illumination” inspired by the Rev. Ann B. Day, a United Church of Christ minister and the president of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation. 

    Will Kelly, Rev. Kelly’s son, shared the scripture reading from Ezekiel 34:11-16 about God being the shepherd of God’s sheep, searching for and bringing home the lost, healing the injured, strengthening the weak, and providing sustenance. 

    Donald Plummer, from University UMC in Buffalo, shared Psalm 100 (NIV) about giving grateful praise and the Rev. Carmen Perry, pastor at Bowmansville UMC, shared a scripture reading from Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16. The Rev. Gail Lewis, retired elder and “mentor extraordinaire” to Rev. Kelly shared the Gospel based on John 21:11-17 (NRSV). 

    Before formally introducing Rev. Kelly as the new District Superintendent of the Cornerstone and Niagara Frontier Districts and as part of the Upper New York Missional Cabinet, Bishop Héctor recalled meeting Rev. Kelly in the first few weeks of his episcopal assignment.  

    “I experienced her as being someone with great compassion, especially for the most vulnerable among us. As I’ve come to know her over the past 18 months, I have also seen her as a prophetic voice in the church, a strategic leader who sees possibilities and as someone who is not afraid to stand for what she believes, even if she has to stand alone.”  

    During the Covenant Service, Rev. Kelly was presented visual reminders that serve as symbols in the life of an elder in The United Methodist Church. 

    • Revs. Nicholas and Carmen Perry and family presented Rev. Kelly with a Bible, once belonging to her grandfather, a congregational minister who died before she was born.
    • Kristian Snyder, a Cornerstone District Superintendency Associate, presented Rev. Kelly with water so she could be renewed in her baptism. 
    • Beth Buckley and Tim Cashmore presented Rev. Kelly with a loaf of bread and communion cup. 
    • Diane and Ken Thurlow presented Rev. Kelly with a hymnal and The United Methodist Book of Worship, to continue to guide her through prayer and praise. 
    • Deacons, including the Rev. Becky Naber, the Rev. Vivian Waltz, the Rev. Carrie Wolfe, the Rev. Dee Finch, the Rev. Deb Coatsworth, and the Rev. Sue Russell presented Rev. Kelly with a towel and basin.
    • Kyle Tidwell, Technical Sergeant and USAF retired presented Rev. Kelly with a stole. 
    • Frank and Betty Murphy presented Rev. Kelly with a Book of Discipline
    • The Dunia Family presented Rev. Kelly with a globe so she can continue to lead in our mission to all the world. 

    “As a district superintendent, Mary now becomes an extension of the episcopal office,” explained the bishop. 

    He invited her to hold the Upper New York area staff, which serves as the visual representation of the ministry of the episcopacy. At this point, Rev. Kelly hesitated, resulting in laughs from those in attendance before taking hold of it. Bishop Héctor reminded her to, “remember who is yours, who called you, and who carries you forward.” 

    Rev. Kelly offered “A Word of Thanksgiving and Hope” where she recognized her family and close friends in attendance, including members from all the churches she served in the past. 

    “This weekend is the weekend we celebrate all of the saints who have gone before us into glory, those on whose shoulders we stand, and I just want to acknowledge that I feel their presence around us,” said Rev. Kelly.  

    She explained how her grandparents influenced her faith. 

    “After my grandmother died, she gifted all of us with some memories. My sisters got some really cool pieces of jewelry and I got a Bible. I said to my mother, ‘Why did I get a Bible? Where’s the jewelry?’ My mother said to me, ‘You don’t remember?’ And I said, ‘Remember what?’ She said, ‘When you were a little girl, you use to crawl into bed with your grandmother and she would read aloud from the Bible and whenever she stopped, you would say, ‘More, more.’ Over the years, these books have spoken to me,” shared Rev. Kelly.  

    Bishop Héctor acknowledged Rev. Kelly’s husband and son for the role of family and asked the congregation to hold the entire Kelly family in prayer.  

    “This is a family endeavor I’ve always said, so Jayme and Will, thank you so much for your own discipleship and most especially for your support to Mary,” said Bishop Héctor. 

    The service ended with a prayer by Rev. Kelly. 

    “Friends, go forth now in peace. Seek justice. Walk humbly. Bless everyone that you meet. You are Christ’s ambassadors to the world, and it only takes one little act of love and grace for people to see that Christ lives in you. Amen.” 

    Rev. Kelly began her ministry in Upper New York in 2003 and has served many Upper New York churches in Buffalo, including Central Park UMC, University UMC, and Cleveland Hill UMC. 

    Click here to watch a recording of the livestream by Springville First UMC. Click here to view a photo album of pictures from the service.

    TAGGED / Communications / Episcopal Office / Bishop Burgos / Districts

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."