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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Offerings total more than $70K during AC ’15

    June 8, 2015 / By Christian Vischi / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    More than $70,000 was received from the five offerings held during the 2015 session of the Upper New York Annual Conference, according to the Conference Finance Ministry Area.

    The offerings provide a tangible way for the communities in Upper New York to support outreach and ministry locally and around the world, Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb said prior to the session.

    The Clergy Care Fund and Helping Hands Fund offerings were received on Wednesday, May 27, during the clergy and laity sessions respectively.

    The Clergy Care Fund offering, which is used to assist clergy who are in need of financial support, totaled $3,394.41. The Helping Hands Fund, which is used by the Cabinet to assist congregants in need of financial support, was the recipient of $1,860.

    Africa 360 was the benefactor of the offering received during the Opening Worship on Wednesday, also known as the “Global Love Offering.”

    Africa 360 is the Conference’s holistic plan for health and education initiatives in Africa. The Conference has pledged to raise $1 million for Imagine No Malaria – an initiative to end malaria deaths in Africa by 2016 – and $1 million for Africa University scholarships.

    In August 2014, Bishop Webb extended a challenge to all congregations in the Conference to raise $1 million for Africa 360 and bring those funds to the 2015 session.

    Between those contributions to the Bishop’s challenge, t-shirt sales, funds raised during walking and biking prior to the session, the Bishop’s auction of three cups of coffee, and two Imagine No Malaria functions, $50,001.22 was added to the tally to date for Africa 360.

    During Friday night’s Celebration of Ministries, an offering was received in support of the Mission of Peace (MOP) – a yearly journey of discovery and shalom to nations in our global community sponsored by the Northeastern Jurisdiction Council on Youth Ministries. Five youths from Upper New York went to India as part of MOP ‘15. The next MOP trip is to China.

    The MOP offering totaled $6,855.

    This year was the second annual onsite mission for Stop Hunger Now (SHN), a non-profit organization committed to ending world hunger that delivers food and aid to developing countries and countries in crisis. The final offering of the session was received on Saturday during the Service of Commissioning and Ordination for SHN. The Conference had set a goal of packaging 75,000 meals during the session; at a cost of 29 cents per meal, the total cost of preparing those meals for distribution is $21,750. Prior to the session, the Conference had announced that $17,965 had been pledged. Saturday’s offering totaled $8,022.78.

    The Conference Finance Ministry Area has also announced that $60 was raised for camperships through a Bow Tie Rental (for those who needed a bow tie for AC session’s Bow Tie Day).

    TAGGED / Annual Conference 2015

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."