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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Moving forward from the Laity Session to empower churches and communities

    January 7, 2025 / By Jessica White, Conference Lay Leader / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Hello to the United Methodists of Upper New York Laity (and Clergy),

    I wanted to thank all the laity who participated in the Laity Session on May 30, 2024, in Syracuse, NY. We used that time to discuss the hopes, dreams, and challenges faced by various districts within our conference. We found that there is a lot of commonality in the issues we are experiencing. It was a blessing to have everyone come together as the body to discuss our hopes and challenges for our local churches.

    Below is the recap of what was captured from the over 70 tables of participants.

    Hopes and visions for local churches:

    • Community Engagement and Programs: There is a strong emphasis on community youth programs, Sunday schools, and other activities to rebuild community and foster engagement. Local churches expressed a desire for more community involvement, increased youth and young adult participation, and a focus on being love-filled and family-centered.
    • Empowering Laity and Utilizing Technology: Districts aim to empower laity through small groups and better use of social media and technology to enhance engagement.

    Challenges faced by churches:

    • Challenges: Aging congregations, outdated facilities, and the impact of COVID-19, which has affected attendance and community involvement.
    • Disconnect and Hypocrisy: Issues such as disconnect between pastors and congregations, hypocrisy, and a culture of feeling stonewalled were highlighted as obstacles.
    • Need for Volunteers and Financial Support: There is a shortage of volunteers and financial resources, which hampers the ability to maintain church properties and support ministries.

    How can districts and conferences assist?

    • Support from Conference and Districts: Suggestions for overcoming obstacles include providing written resources, better communication, and financial support from the conference and districts.
    • Focus on Inclusivity and Welcoming Environment: Districts aim to create a welcoming environment for diverse groups, including the LGBTQ community, and emphasize the importance of inclusivity.

    As the Board of Laity continues to meet, one of the areas we are looking to assist local churches with is the empowerment of laity—and I would say “Claity” empowerment here. We are excited to be working together, planning for various district or regional training days for laity and clergy that will address some of these concerns. More information on these district days will be coming in the next few months.

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Let us live out Jeremiah 29:11 and walk with God in hope to live out our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

    In Christ,
    Jessica White

    TAGGED / Communications / 2025 Annual Conference

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."