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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.


    Updates on Casowasco

    Starting in January 2025, all programming and hosting at Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center will be suspended. This sabbath is foreseen to last through the fall of this year. Click here to read the full release and the reasoning behind this decision.  

    Click here to view resident camp registrations and guest numbers from 2015-2024. 

    Financial costs- past, present, and future 

    The financial loss in 2024 is projected to be just under $400,000. In the past four years (2021 – 2024) the total loss is projected to be over $1.1 million plus an additional $400,000 in depreciation cost. This is more than the losses of the other four sites combined.   

    We have spent more than $480,000 for site related repairs and maintenance in the past 4 years at Casowasco. This amount does not include the significant remaining property needs at this location.  

    Any other data relative to decision 

    Currently, we have identified an estimated two million dollars in deferred maintenance projects. These projects include the instability of the roadway and office parking lot, multiple HVAC issues, equipment and drainage issues in the kitchen, a structurally unsound pier, deteriorating chimneys, and many smaller projects. The sabbath period will allow us to more deeply research these projects and determine costs for restoration and repair.  

    What are the next steps and is there a call to action?  

    There will be a process designed for discernment and exploration of multiple options for the future. This process will include members of the CRM Board, CFA, and Trustees, as well as members of the Casowasco community. 

    This process will also include several open forums for input and multiple focus groups to consider specific options.  

    Additionally, anyone who is interested in taking a tour of the site to learn more about the current site related challenges is invited to a property tour on January 25. More details and a registration link will be available shortly.  

    Click here to read a letter seeking prayers on the next faithful steps for Casowasco shared with the Upper New York Conference on December 9, 2024. 

    United Methodists of Upper New York is comprised of a vibrant network of 677 local churches and active new faith communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."