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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    From the Advocate: Processing the steps for a New Faith Community

    March 1, 2016 / By the Rev. Dave Masland

    Click below to read the full Advocate online.
    Anyone in a United Methodist Church in Upper New York can plant a new faith community and should feel free to do so! Having said that, the New Faith Community teams of the Conference are working to provide seven processes to help support the people who feel called to plant. The graphic below describes these in loose chronological order. Planters can choose to take advantage of any or all of these processes:

    Identifying – Events and small group conversations are offered for people who think God may be calling them to plant. These times provide space for folks to explore whether they have some of the personal characteristics found in most every person who is happy and effective as the lead planter of a new faith community. The goal is to help the planter and the Cabinet discern who God is calling to plant!

    Assessing – Planters who intend to seek Conference funding are expected to take an in-depth written assessment to measure their readiness to serve as a lead planter. Opportunity is then given for the person to process the results with leaders and current planters.

    Planning – Early in the development of a new faith community, small groups of planters gather to learn best practices, and work together to develop a plan that fits their vision and their context. After this initial step, further planning groups can be organized once or twice per year.

    Coaching – A coach is your biggest ally as they will help you think through your plan, break it down into manageable chunks, and co-create an accountable relationship that keeps you working your plan, one step at a time. All planters receiving Conference funding are expected to have a coach. Our Conference now has more than 20 trained coaches available to you!

    Training – In order to flourish, we must be connected, renewed, and inspired, and that is where training comes in. Conference- and national-level training is offered through Launchpad and new faith community events as well as peer learning groups throughout the year. The networking that happens at these events is always a highlight!

    Peer Groups – In a retreat setting, these groups provide a chance to “take a breath” as a leader and/or planter. These small groups meet quarterly and are led by a trained spiritual director.

    Funding – Our grant team has developed an application process and receives applications twice a year for funding (Feb. 1 and Sept. 1). The cost of each new faith community will vary depending on the model employed.

    To learn more, visit

    TAGGED / Advocate / New Faith Communities

    With more than 100,000 members, United Methodists of Upper New York comprises of more than 675 local churches and New Faith Communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."